
May 28, 2015
Hey guy, I'm looking for a good laptop that is around 1000-1300 dollar range. I'm a college student and is in need of good laptop for Art Media classes. I plan to use Adobe programs to edit videos and photos. I also like to play games but I only have one game to play. I play Starcraft 2 and will not plan to play any other games until Black Desert come out. I already done some research and so far there is only two laptops I'm interested in.


The Asus

They're both of the same price, same graphic card, and same CPU. Only different is MSI have 8GB DD3RL while Asus have 16GB DDR3L.

I would buy Asus since it have more GB but I want to know if Adobe programs work better and faster the more GB you have? I know a little bit of computers spec but I'm not an expert. I was hoping if I can get answer from someone who have more knowledge than me.

If you know some other good laptops you would like to recommend, then I would like to know about it.



Oct 24, 2009
I always recommend buying the most RAM you can afford. You should also check each laptops specs to see if you can add more RAM in the future or if these machines are already maxed out. Having more RAM is better than having less. More RAM allows you to open multiple programs more efficiently, or to run a few really well. The OS & other background programs (anti-virus, firewall, task bar, printer & network services, etc.) will always use some of that RAM whenever your laptop is turned on, regardless of whatever it is your doing on your laptop. This would be my simple answer.