Low Ram Usage Web Browser


Jul 16, 2014
Microsoft edge seems to use a ton of RAM while just doing basic browsing. I have an I-5 4460 / 8gb and after opening about 15-20 tabs the system started to slow down. the CPU usage was extremely high and ram usage was almost maxed out. The tabs were showing usage of hundreds of MB each. I should be able to run 50-60 tabs with this computer before running into issues like that. I could care less about the features of Edge as I will never use any of them.

The only thing I care about is that the website loads fast while using low resources. Video playback is not really that important, but it would be nice. No advanced features needed and I don't mind using 2 different browsers one for heavy browsing and the other for videos. When I start looking up random tech stuff like reviews / upgrades / benchmarks etc.. I tend to get up to 20+ tabs really fast.

Not really interested in Chrome and FireFox, I already know how those work. I'm looking for something outside of the main 3 which is made specifically for low usage and lots of tabs.
If you need a browser which can display the today's Internet, you have limited options.

Browsers these days are build using common parts, so if you've tried Chrome and Firefox, and don't like Edge, your only other options are Safari and Opera. But with modern web pages using java script, it's not surprise 50 tabs slow down your computer.

How do you manage 60 tabs? Just fitting them in the tab well would be too much to display.

It's easy to hit 50 tabs the way I browse. Let's say I was looking up a benchmark of a game and then I see a link to a new gpu which I open into a new tab. I scroll down more on that same page, see more interesting things I want to read about, but do not want to leave the current page. I keep repeating this process and I have a ton of tabs in no time. I slowly work my way from left to right. Say I go to tab 1 and then open 5 more tabs, I then close tab 1 and move to tab 2 where I open another 5 tabs. They just keep piling up and eventually I get thru all of them.

I downloaded diglo which so far is working 100 times better than Edge. It uses a good 30-50% less RAM than Edge.