M.sony.com coming up when I try to go to sony.com?


Sep 10, 2009
I'm on IE8 on a windows 7 desktop pc and when i try to go to sony.com, it redirects me to m.sony.com (sony's mobile website- pretty basic stuff)... I've cleared my cookies? WTF is going on- why is it automatically doing this? Lol on my palm pre when I goto sony.com it stays on the full sony.com website... This may be silly but its driving me bonkers.
Interesting note here. When I go to yahoo it takes me to m.www.yahoo.com

Now - one time when I had a computer virus / spyware it directed me to m.www.yahoo.com. I removed the spyware and I could again go to www.yahoo.com.

Problem is that both my work and home computer are now doing this. Any ideas?
Might be the virus again (if you've used both computers to browse similar Internet sites) or if both computers updated their browsers via the same means.

Scan for viruses. If you're clean, update your browsers. If that doesn't help, use that guide to change your User Agent.
Yea thanks for the link I am going to check it out further when I get time.

I don't think its a virus again, namely because the first time I accidently clicked a fradulent email I figured it out pretty quick. I am normally very cautious and not that careless.

One of the computers is my machine at work and I keep everything up to date.

It may have been a firefox update that triggered the m.yahoo.com bit. I noticed Internet explorer 8 doesn't do it. I already scanned for virus on my home pc, my work comp autoscans every day. I keep all my stuff pretty well up to date. I think im clean.