Macbook Mid 2010 purple screen when moving lid


Nov 22, 2017

I have a graphic problem with my Macbook mid 2010. When I open the lid and start the laptop, the colours start acting weird. Normally the starting screen is white with a black apple but regurly its inverted, black screen with white apple. When I log the screen is purple and everything what is supposed to be white is black. The weird thing is, when I move the lid, it goes back to normal but usually it falls back to the weird colors when I don't touch the screen. Sometimes the screen suddenly turns white and has purple vertical stripes. This goes on untill I shut down the Macbook and start it up again. When I start up again it acts normal again. I tried to look around the internet for a solution but I haven't encountered a thread with the same problem. I don't think it's a display problem in the sense that when I connect it to other screen/beamer, the purple colors also show up on other screen. It's really moving the screenlid which makes the screen turn purple.

I hope someone has experience with this and can help me out with this one, I really need a functioning laptop for my study.

I have attached some photos beneath to show what I mean with the problem:
Sorry, had to distort some parts for my privacy.
It is likely the cable that runs from the screen to the logic board. The cable is probably worn and shorting. Not an easy repair since the glass is glued down and it is nearly impossible to remove without breaking. You can take the bottom off the MacBook and try to see if you can find the wear point, and possibly tape it up.


It is likely the cable that runs from the screen to the logic board. The cable is probably worn and shorting. Not an easy repair since the glass is glued down and it is nearly impossible to remove without breaking. You can take the bottom off the MacBook and try to see if you can find the wear point, and possibly tape it up.