Mackie Universal Controler



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Is anybody out there using one of these? i got one to test drive and
it seems like a good price? The 2 problems are, the board is labeled
for Logic, I don't have the overlay for using it with Nuendo so all
the buttons are basically mislabeled, and I'm the artist on this
project so most of my time is spent behind the mic instead of the
For the first problem I have downloaded a PDF with the image of the
overlay and it appears that everything functions as it should when you
push the correct button. When I print the overlay it prints at a
totally useless unreadable size, so I have to leave the PDF running in
the background to refer to. This doesn't speed my productivity.
For the second problem I as hoping that feedback from users would
reveal the flaws and merits of this board before I drop a wad of cash!
Archived from groups: (More info?)

In article <> writes:

> Is anybody out there using one of these? i got one to test drive and
> it seems like a good price? The 2 problems are, the board is labeled
> for Logic, I don't have the overlay for using it with Nuendo so all
> the buttons are basically mislabeled

Call Mackie and ask if they have an overlay for Nuendo. Their plan was
to have overlays for all the common programs.

I'm really Mike Rivers (
However, until the spam goes away or Hell freezes over,
lots of IP addresses are blocked from this system. If
you e-mail me and it bounces, use your secret decoder ring
and reach me here: double-m-eleven-double-zero at yahoo
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Thanks Mike,
I actually ordered the Nuendo overlay yesterday. I also printed the PDF
version blown up in another program this morning as well as downloaded
the Nuendo manuel for it. I was hoping to get some general feedback
from users especially those with Nuendo.
As it turns out I've taken the day off of being behind the mic, so I
think I'll have some time to play wit it and decide myself. I'm still
interested in reading others experiences though.