Man Adds Flamethrower to Bike, Warns Tailgaters

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Jan 25, 2009
If you feel like going 85 in a 65 and endanger yourself and everyone around you you can effing go around me then if it's that important to you. Won't matter WHAT lane I'm in or if I'm going 80. And if the passing lane is for passing ONLY, then as soon as those jerks are done passing why is it they don't get back over then?

And sadly, we all still see each other at the same stop light. Thanks a-holes.


Mar 7, 2009
The US Interstate system was designed for 75MPH travel speeds with 1950's automobile technology, and can easily support higher speeds. What the system cannot support, however, is the massive amount of traffic the system sees in the 21st century.

Rush hour lasts from 6AM to 10AM and 3PM to 7PM, here, in Chicago. Even though we have a law against abusing the leftmost, passing lane, it's an useless law. There are simply too many cars on the road at any given time.

Now, if you live in a sparsely populated state, then a passing lane law should be enforced, because following that law most likely improves traffic conditions.

So, honestly people, there's no use getting pissy about road safety laws. What people should do, is be courteous to each other when driving, and that's a really difficult skill set to teach, unfortunately.


Where can I get one? This is the best invention ever from a motorcycle driver's perspective!

Automobile drivers rarely pay attention to motorcycles properly in my experience. Getting a drivers license should entail learning how to pay attention and watch out for motorcycles.


OK, first of all that clown is not on a bike. Or a motocycle. He is on a MOPED.

In most places MOPEDs, with their 60mph top gear, are illegal on the freeway, which is probably where that douche was getting tailgated.

Let me just say: If I see a flaming flamer on a MOPED and his flame so much as singes a mudflap on may truck I am running his flaming ass down.

Left lane is for passing. It IS the law.


Jun 13, 2009
[citation][nom]datawrecker[/nom]so if he does catch someone on fire what's to stop them from slamming on the gas and running him down?All the driver has to say was that they were afraid for their life and had to defend themselves.[/citation]

Yeah, I've ridden two wheeled vehicles on the street for years and would never pull something stupid like that, someone could just kill you in a momentary loss of temper. 2+ ton vehicle wins every time versus hairspray can quality flame thrower on a 150lbs scooter.


Feb 24, 2007
[citation][nom]time222[/nom]Where can I get one? This is the best invention ever from a motorcycle driver's perspective!Automobile drivers rarely pay attention to motorcycles properly in my experience. Getting a drivers license should entail learning how to pay attention and watch out for motorcycles.[/citation]

It does, but those who don't ride cycles don't appreciate how much space a motorcyclist is really comfortable with. Fortunately, cruisers weigh a good bit so if you get bumped at a stop light it'll toss ya, but it won't throw you across three lines of a traffic like a light weight crotch rocket.


Apr 25, 2006
[citation][nom]nekatreven[/nom]Slow drivers are quicker to hit their brakes and slower to speed back up. They have no concept of the accordion effect. They don't get it that they are the number one reason that freeways backup, save for the cell phone drivers. [/citation]

Studies have shown traffic flows pretty well on the freeway until at least 1 person starts driving aggressively, even in rush hour traffic. There is some fine game theory work on the subject. Slower drivers are not the problem.


Feb 20, 2007
[citation][nom]jabliese[/nom]Studies have shown traffic flows pretty well on the freeway until at least 1 person starts driving aggressively, even in rush hour traffic. There is some fine game theory work on the subject. Slower drivers are not the problem.[/citation]

Yes and I'm sure the checkout lines at the grocery store would still flow 'pretty well' if every once in a while you let people with 40+ items go through the express lane instead of the lane they belong in. ...but I'm not discussing 'pretty well'. 'Pretty well' can shove it.

When there are cars spread across every lane that are blocking the faster moving (even speeding) vehicles from getting by and reducing the traffic density behind them then yes, they are a big problem. To think no one will speed is beyond naive, just move over and let them lighten the pack a bit. it so happens...if everyone follows the simple rule of moving over for faster vehicles then no one has any reason to, say, drop to second gear and blow past (on his right) the asshole that has been holding up 100+ cars for the last three miles (hypothetically speaking of course).


Aug 17, 2006
[citation][nom]counselmancl[/nom]Either he is leaning forward to counteract the incredible acceleration of that high performance machine he is riding or he is a total douchebag.[/citation]
I thought he was just trying not to light his ass on fire..


Nov 5, 2009
Maybe he should just buy and ride an actual motorcycle with some power behind it and nobody could pass him and cut him off if he didn't want them to. Motorcycles still get good mpg, so I really don't see the point of Mopeds.
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