[citation][nom]skatt3rbrain[/nom]Why attack this guy for doing something awesome with a measly 4 grand? Go waste time attacking corporate tax havens or people who can blow 4 grand in one night in Vegas if you really want to make some kind of difference; otherwise, please just find a different hobby than attacking creativity.[/citation]
You got a point. But he is not attacking the guy, he's just trying to expose something, which is a truth. People die all around the globe. The gap between riches and poors is expending everyday. It's even happening in our own "rich" countries. Go make a trip in Baltimore, and see how the gap between the riches and those in need is huge. The guy just thought that maybe this (the making of this kind of costume) was some kind of waste in is opinion, and it is in a way. Is it really the right topic to talk about this kind of stuff? Not really. But where is it appropriate to talk about it? And how about all those people responding to him in an aggressive way. Seriously, CoryInJapan doesn't sound aggressive, YOU guys are, for whatever reason.
Why be so defensive over your own wealth? Just be happy about it and shut up, one day every one of us could be in need. WE all love our wealth, but being defensive about it just shows how unworthy you are of it.