Man Builds $4,000 Iron Man ''War Machine'' Suit

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[citation][nom]aBg_rOnGak[/nom][citation]]Starving people in the world????...really? Here we go again.. Another liberal trying to tell people what to do with their money...[/citation]If you don't care about other people, just shut up... He's just saying it, whether you agree or not, most people doesn't care anyway... You can do whatever you want with your money[/citation]
No you shut up liberal turd, it was his own money not your beloved liberals wasting tax dollars to feed overweight government cheese eaters who are too damn lazy to get a freaking job.
[citation][nom]zodiacfml[/nom]he should have done a better making it look heavy. add an iron man soundtrack and it will be perfect.[/citation]
If he played the music Hellywood and the RIAA would probably have sued.
[citation][nom]CoryInJapan[/nom]Hmmm That is pretty cool but its nice to see what we americans are still waisting money away in these bad economical times and all the starving people in the world.I would have put the money to charity If I could blow it on a suit.Not saying its not a really impressive custom made suit, but still.Not wise in my opinion.[/citation]

Have you done anything in your life to improve their lives when you could? Present a plan on your blog, site, whatever, or shut up. Moaning about other people's spendings alone isn't the solution.
Present one or shut up. And one that doesn't blow up in the face of a rational person. e.g. no everybody-rich-has-to-give-money-to-poor-people. This is not how it works.
This is the guy from those P90X commercials. He inspired me to start working out again. The first 90 days of P90X I dropped 42 lbs from my starting weight of 256. I've got a 4 pack showing now, still have a little gut, but hopefully another 90 days will do the trick. I'm 6" tall and my goal weight is 195 lbs. I was able to dunk a basketball two handed back in high school. I won't be able to dunk anymore because of my blown ACL, but losing the weight has made me feel great. I can run about 3 miles non stop before my ACL starts acting up on me. I'm playing softball again for the first time in 4 years.

But anyways, cool costume.
[citation][nom]CoryInJapan[/nom]Hmmm That is pretty cool but its nice to see what we americans are still waisting money away in these bad economical times and all the starving people in the world.I would have put the money to charity If I could blow it on a suit.Not saying its not a really impressive custom made suit, but still.Not wise in my opinion.[/citation]

What is wrong with putting money back into the economy during the bad economic times? Seems to me that we could actually dig ourselves out of this hole if we started taking care of ourselves instead of sending money to other countries to fix their problems. Maybe you can explain to me why it is the US's fault that people in Africa are starving. Last time I checked it was a bitch to grow anything in the desert. And what is grown is confiscated by local governments and militias. Yea there are starving people in China too. Do you really need an explanation? Or, do you realize that their entire government is bat-shit crazy, not just any crazy, George W. crazy. Not the US's fault either.

Anyway , at least he is doing something to help the local economy. When have you put $4k back into he economy and had fun doing it?
LOL all these chodes trying to liberal. let the guy spend his money before its worth NOTHING. the economy is raped and the big guys don't care. seriously if anyone reading this thinks those overpaid, overweight, cigar smoking a**hole tyrants up in those nice coporate offices care about u please jump out of the nearest window head first. AND I LOVE THAT SUIT... if this guy could make a Gundam suit like that it would be amazing, and yes i would let another 4000$ get wasted on that because at least i am entertain unlike all the other garbage the government wastes money on.
[citation][nom]Hellbound[/nom]Starving people in the world????...really? Here we go again.. Another liberal trying to tell people what to do with their money...[/citation]

Liberal? Sorry no, just another retard. Like you are for calling everyone a liberal that you disagree with.

Seems warmachine's buttocks aint armored. 😀 A shot there would be lethal. 😛 hehe.
LOL! SUCH a WASTE of money and time! Seriously, these losers need to find a better place to waste their money. And to all you people who don't care about the starving people in developing countries, I hope you die in a hole from starvation. And no, I'm not a liberal, I'm someone who can see the truth as it is. You can dislike this comment all you want, but you can only hide from the truth for so long. If you're heartless and a loser in RL, feel free to rate me down, lol.
It is sad that in some parts of the world there are people who work much harder then anyone in North America just to eat and survive on a daily basis, and North Americans who are so selfish, lazy, and greedy have the time and money to piss away on stupid things. Myself included. The idea that we have hard earned dollars is a joke. Sitting in an office all day is not hard people can do what they want with their money, but it doesn't change the truth and the fact of the matter. Being Liberal or conservative has nothing to do with it. All political followers are simply blind and ignorant sheep anyway. I would be embarrassed to call myself a Liberal or a conservative, it would mean I cant think for myself.

This guy actually goes to children's hospitals with an ID card that reads "Iron Man" and his suit. Tell me he isn't giving back to the community more than you ever have. Quit hating on him. He does care about those less fortunate than himself.
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