Man Gets Punched for Surfing Porn at Library

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Jun 24, 2010
[citation][nom]JOSHSKORN[/nom]Browsing porn in libraries is totally legal in the USA thanks to the First Amendment. To bad our Forefathers never saw that coming. PARTICULARLY in an environment so prone to having children around.[/citation]

No, its not legal. My friend calls the cops on people all the time in the library she works at.

Nothing wrong with the 1st Amendment here, the constitution is not the end all be all for all laws everywhere. Just like its not legal to run around nude, doing lewd acts in public to other less clothed people, this is not legal.

Its stupid to bring up 1st amendment in this case.


Apr 2, 2010
Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.
Thomas Jefferson
i guess Santiago Real was getting his enlightenment on?
ya ya pad pun, i blame you [citation][nom]lauroman[/nom]I kinda think that Porn Detection Stick picture should have shown the guy's dongle... ok that didn't come out right. There should have been a picture of inserting that jack somwhere... wait a minute. At least a picture of the guys fisting each other, what the hell am i saying?!...[/citation]
j/k +1 i chuckled
I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the sale of a book can become a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry too.
Thomas Jefferson
penthouse, playboy, hustler.etc. etc.
as for people crying about tax payer dollars at work, even if your an illegal alien you pay taxes buying gasoline, food, clothing, cig. what ever in sales taxes.
i don't like the noise interstates generate, i pay taxes how about i go rip it up with a dozer and a hoe so i don't have to listen to it any more.
i don't like the uglyness of powerlines for the wind farms in the dakotas, how about i ground it out of my sight and go knock 'em down and call a scrapper, my tax payer money helped pay for that!
just because you pay taxes doesn't give you a right to tell others how they get to use something they paid taxes for also.
that's communism at it's finest.
as for the ones whining about their kids being around pornography don't ever take them to the mall or walk past victorias secret or let them look at fashion magazines you hypocrites.
alot of strippers and pron stars were little girls once too, same with alcholics, drug users.
how you choose to educate your child about these social etiquettes is something you should learn to teach them about when they learn how to talk. remember that next time you take your spoiled screaming brat on a plane, some of us know how to jettison multiple large objects. our tax money has gone to bail out the airlines numerous times as well as build the air ports, run ways towers air traffic controllers and pay the FAA.
try explaining to your children why they are being felt up and probed and virtualized naked at air port security next time. keep sheltering your kids from the dangers of reality, kidnappers and child molestors love parents like that!
you want to play that game there's enough intelligent people just waiting to beat you to a bloddy pulp over the head with it.


How is porn possibly legal in public? You cannot show your own genitalia but showing some other guys is ok? Where is the logic in that.


Mar 24, 2009
The more you censor and try to ban porn; the more power you give it. I hate censorship in general..... If you don't like: don't watch it! Just keep you beliefs to yourself and out of my business!


Dec 8, 2007
[citation][nom]datawrecker[/nom]Riiiight, cause stoning someone is so much more cultural... Or how about beating your wife for following to closely or pulling her fingernails out for having polish on them. At this rate the western world can pull its troops out and let you torture and murder yourselves.[/citation]
Ohh I get it now, when Killerclick used the term "Muzzie" he meant it as derpgatory term towards muslims, I'm guessing?
I thought it had something to do w/ a muzzle, or he was calling him a fuzzie, or something really wierd like that.
You know instead of being ignorant, you could keep that kind of stuff to yourself. Obviously you could never remove racism, freedom of speech and all, but if you honestly believe that, you might need some help(If you need to talk about it, there are many resources at your disposal). I have yet to see a single type of behavior of that nature that is as common as you make it seem (so are you trying to incite hatred?). So be it intolerant/ignorant or w/e, honestly you are better off leaving that at your next Klan meeting.
Let's at least try and leave public places/forums free of uncivilized behavior, otherwise you are no better than those "muzzie's" you hate oh so much. :\


[citation][nom]loomis86[/nom]lol, fool!I explained how much easier it is for you kids to own your own computer nowdays compared to when I had to save my money for over a year to sock away 2 months pay(thats "pay" you dolt, as in what I got paid from my job) and you respond by attacking me?who the heck makes minimum wage? Even when I was 16 years old I made more than minimum wage.[/citation]

seriously go away dude with your richie rich personality. with the economy in the US do you think people are really able to put money into an account? the point you seem to be missing (as well as several others) is it not just a computer they will need they will need to pay for Internet too and not all cities and towns have free wi-fi spots where you can pick up the Internet everywhere you want so even if they were able to manage 400 bucks for a computer they would still need to have Internet as an added really some people have to go to the library because they do not have the money to add another monthly bill on there budget

now get away from the computer so you can go ask you're parents for you're i'm sure hard earned allowance


Jan 19, 2007
Can the mods please delete the first amendment reference in the article? They're doing a grave disservice to the public by suggesting that it has anything to do with this at all. As a legal scholar I can tell you right now: it doesn't.

Please treat constitutional claims with as much skepticism as internal AMD benchmarks.


Mar 25, 2011
If you have to waste time and expose kids to indecent material at a library instead of buying a girly magazine, you have some serious issues....


Aug 30, 2010
[citation][nom]bardia[/nom]Can the mods please delete the first amendment reference in the article? They're doing a grave disservice to the public by suggesting that it has anything to do with this at all. As a legal scholar I can tell you right now: it doesn't.Please treat constitutional claims with as much skepticism as internal AMD benchmarks.[/citation]

It's part of the story, it's not Tom's. It's all over all the OTHER news sites too. That's what the city up there in wacko world said - even though viewing porn has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech.

Nor does doing it in public have anything to do with Freedome of Expression.



..... yes no one in the USA makes minimum wage or below, you must be some kind of scum not to have 2 cars for every household and we should lock up everyone who dont have at least a 42" TV


Jul 13, 2008
ok i have offically decided most every reader is a total A-hole here at toms.

granted the library is not a place for porn, but if you seriously think this justifies some one else assaulting him, then you are seriously screwed up in the head. maybe i should assault you for talking about the violent news while eating at a peaceful resteraunt ? maybe you should get assaulted for thinking about soccer at a football game ?

the man assaulted some one over a verbal argument it doesn't matter what teh verbal argument was about, i hope the courts hit this A-hole witht eh biggest fine they can.


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]dawolf74[/nom]@loomis86And, two weeks pay for someone on minimum wage.I love how spoiled upper middle class people love to show how completely ignorant they are of the real world and what money is really worth to a poor family.Not one terribly poor person cares about your spoiled, bratty, self centered view of money, they are too busy trying to afford food and gas.As said before, some people have to pay the bills and even when it is "only" $400 that can be quite a bit to someone that didn't grow up with mommy and daddy supporting their butts until college.Not every family grows up with a money tree in the backyard you scum sucking pig.[/citation]


even more so than people saying yay to illeagal causes here , I am sick and tired of rich boy jack offs commenting on "how easy" it is to afford this or that. i spent a year saving for the comptuer i'm on , a year saving for my xbox 360 and i spent two years saving for my tv i got, and it just belittles peopel like me when one of these a--es show up and acts like 400 -1000 dollars it just "slang-around-pocket-change" that any one should be able to pull out thier anal cavity on the spot. and maybe i'm not the best example because i do have a nice comptuer tv and gaming system , but keep in mind we have THREE people working full time jobs here and it still took US that long to save up for those nice things


Oct 4, 2009
[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]AMEN TO THIS BROTHER !!!even more so than people saying yay to illeagal causes here , I am sick and tired of rich boy jack offs commenting on "how easy" it is to afford this or that. i spent a year saving for the comptuer i'm on , a year saving for my xbox 360 and i spent two years saving for my tv i got, and it just belittles peopel like me when one of these a--es show up and acts like 400 -1000 dollars it just "slang-around-pocket-change" that any one should be able to pull out thier anal cavity on the spot. and maybe i'm not the best example because i do have a nice comptuer tv and gaming system , but keep in mind we have THREE people working full time jobs here and it still took US that long to save up for those nice things[/citation]

And I always thought that guys from the western side of the globe can readily afford those stuff. I'm in SEA and I had to work my a$$ off to buy my gaming rig.

As for the article...watching porn in public is as bad as punching a guy watching porn in public.


Jan 17, 2009
[citation][nom]datawrecker[/nom]Riiiight, cause stoning someone is so much more cultural... Or how about beating your wife for following to closely or pulling her fingernails out for having polish on them. At this rate the western world can pull its troops out and let you torture and murder yourselves.[/citation]

Damn, you took the words right out of my mouth lol. +1 for you


Feb 13, 2009
f-14: Wouldn't it be nice if people actually did that? I know i'm very tired of my rights being stripped or highly restricted in order to "protect the children"...
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