McAfee expired


Sep 12, 2006
Recently i've removed the expired McAfee software from my PC and downloaded the trial version of ZoneAlarm. I cannot remove the McAfee security center software or the shortcut. And thus I even cannot run Zone Alarm.
Any assistance would be greatly appreicated. Thanx in advance
zone alarm is only a firewall, not an anti-virus and anti-spyware protection
i think mcafee has some sort of tool on their website which is an up to date uninstaller, you should check their utilities and see if it's there to remove it
Panda Platinum Internet Security.

Stay away from McAfee... far away. Their corporate products seem ok, but for home users their IS suite runs like total crap on almost every system I've encountered it on. It makes me cringe when people bring in their computers with a McAfee issue.