take the caps lock off dude. all capitals is considered yelling and is rude.
without more information it is hard to say what the problem is. answer the questions below and compelte a few of the tests if you can to give us a better idea of what the problem is.
-has the player been freezing since you bought it or is this a new occurance?
-do dvds that freeze in the memorex work with other players?
-does a disk that you verify doesn't skip in another player work in the memorex?
-are the disks new, from an unopened package (not used)?
-are there any visual blemishes on the disks (if used, rentals)?
-when the movie freezes is there any pixelation/distortion or does the picture just freeze in place?
if movies that are verified to work in other players don't work...then yes, it is most likely an issue with your player.
if the player has always done this, then yes it most likely is the player.
if disks that freeze in this player don't work right on other players then its probably the disks.
if disks that you verified to work in other players play on the memorex then there might not be anything wrong with it.
if from all your testing it turns out that it is the player at fault....
since you said the player is only a month old you might be able to exchange it for a new one at the store you bought it at. if you cannot then it should have a warranty on it of some sort. if the retail chain won't help you then read the manual and call up the number listed for warranty services.