Micro Express nbl 50 core i5 540


Mar 26, 2010
can anyone tell me where to buy a micro express nbl 50 core i5 540
even the micro express web site doesn't offer it but yet i have read recent reviews on it
is it no longer offered?

i prefer the i5 over the i7 cause having checked out laptops with both, the i5 with a 2.6mhz is faster than the i7 with 1.6mhz, even with that turbo booster which i don't see does anything unless ur gaming.
i don't game, but i do use a lot of software applications so i need fast.

My guess is that the reviews you read were based on samples from the manufacturer. Chances are that it hasn't been released yet, so I'd keep an eye out in the coming weeks for it.
in case anyone else reads this thread, the nbl 50 with a i5 540 processor can be purchased ONLY by calling micro express. they only have a few of the cores so that's why they don't list it as an option during an online purchase.

The i7 will be faster than the i5 in every intensive application. Turbo Boost is a feature that will enable itself based on how much you're utilizing the CPU - it works for all applications, not just for games.