[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]actrually for teh samereason that , i think this thing for 360 is a bad idea, US pc gamers don';t care for "new" stupid gimicky ( not to forget trendy) ways to control our games , MOst pC gamers and indeed part of teh hard core crowd adn we prefer our classic controls ,( ie: mouse and key board). every pc gamer like me that own a xbox will probably doge this jun k ( which i fully intend to) Sure the idea sounds cool but at teh end of teh day us hard core gamers just want to sit back relax and play our games the old tried and true ways we don't need new control toys, jsut new and good games.[/citation]
LOL, [citation][nom]manos[/nom]How many games have you seen that need DVD swapping on the 360? Forza 3 is 2 DL DVDs and yet it only needs a 2,7 or somethign GB instalation. PS3 has BR AND HD with all it's consoles and yet it requires installation from most of its games, So enlighten me where along the lines Sony was correct about the neccesity of BR in GAMING thathasnt ben able to evolve normally? ( No movie related cause we are talking about gaming ) . So all I know is a few guys around that believed Sony and waiting for the PS3, paid too much to have a motorstorm for more than a year as a playable exclusive and after 23 years they finally got Uncharted thats the only exclusive that Id like to play ONLY the campain from it due to the fact I have way better needs about my online time. So fo all I care BR not only is no needed but also a bunch of ppl that got screwed. tyvm but I believe we will survive without BR for te time being in the console. It's not just me talking. Its facts.[/citation]
LOL, let the xbox fanboy speak
The excuse that the PS3 doesn't have great exclusives is rubbish. May I say that the only exclusive worthy on the 360 is Gears Of War
Metal Gear Solid 4 is approx 33GB i believe, if this is right how many DVDs do you think 'Metal Gear Solid: Rising' is going to need? you probaably need your calculator for this one Manos
i bet audio data will be compressed for the 360 version ie. inferrior