As a long duration owner/user, I can tell some huge negatives that overshadow what a brilliant piece of technology it is. First, Camera doesn't have a slide cover (I know official response from MS is that it is hard wired to light up if it is used or misused or hacked, so can never be on without your knowledge. They are idiots. They solved the wrong problem completely forgetting the customer. It is not the hackers but the user itself that is an issue everyday. If you sign in to zoom with camera on as default or happen to touch camera unlock button by mistake, you know what I am talking about. It is a touch screen. Cameras can switch on inadvertently. A physical slide cover is 100% necessary. Enough said). This is the single biggest reason I went back to my Lenovo as the main daily machine. Second, it doesn't have a hard switch for Mute on the keyboard or main body. Why would you need it, you ask? Similar reason as failure risk of digital mute is high. Mute doesn't work in apps sometimes. I have seen it in zoom, teams, microphone apps, etc and the failure rate of software mute is not insignificant. Third, all peripherals are expensive. Currently writing from the official keyboard (and official pen which I have not used much to be honest. Touch works better than the pen on screen. Touching a hard pen seems dangerous even if it could be just a false perception). If pen is unnecessary, the official mouse is downright bad. I have Logitech MX master mouse that is like space age tech compared to the MS mouse that is hard on your wrist and needs hard clicks like on a dollar store mice . The only good feature is this mouse folds out to become 180 degree flat. If you want that feature for a really bad mouse, go ahead. Keyboard is pretty good and light and magnetically snaps on with ease and a satisfactory click. Really nice to use. Soft keys and zero problems. Happy to recommend the keyboard for daily use. Fourth, finally, this is a heavy machine. It is heavier than the mid-range Lenovo Thinkpad I have. Compared to the lightest Thinkpads or Dell or HP laptop, this is massive overweight really thick machine. (not sure about you but I don't like bulky machines. One feature I like in a cellphone or tablet or laptop/tablet dual use device like this is Superthin built. This lets you down badly. Overall, very nice machine with brilliant touchscreen but practically useless to me due to the lack of camera cover (as I wanted to ditch my desk laptop for this which I can't now. This just stays a travel machine now). I get by with sticky notes on the camera which is a real shame after how much I paid for it $3000+ Oh and did I say, if you plan to use it like a laptop I was in for a shock when I realized this doesn't stay open like a laptop on an actual lap (with the keyboard attached to it). The only real way to use it is either fixed on a desk or flat on your lap. You can't pick up and walk with it like an open laptop. If you pick up from the desk, it goes all floppy and keyboard goes in one direction and the screen in another. There , have fun.