Question Minecraft fps problem(solved)

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Feb 19, 2021
Hi hello. As the title says, I get extremely low fps in vanilla minecraft.

I have an i3-8100 processor, GT 710 GPU, 20 gigs of ram, and a Windows 10 OS. My average fps is around 10, lowest being 3. My video settings are also in low, especially the render distance being 2 chunks. Though what's weirder is when I play modded minecraft, I get 60+ fps. I have tried multiple fps improving mods, but they barely made any difference. Please help, thanks.
I may have found the problem. My vanilla minecraft does not use my gpu but rather this "Gallium 0.4" thing. I've tried a lot of ways to force my minecraft to use my gpu, but still haven't found any solution. Anybody know anything to help?
Nevermind. I just experimented with my files, and thought of using my forge minecraft.exe file, due to the fact that my modded games were using my gpu. 120 fps has never felt this good
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