Solved! Mobile Isn't Truly Mobile, Is It???

Dec 16, 2018
Why is it that in places like Mexico they can have high powered radio waves but in the US we are heavily regulated to a point in which our mobile devices are borderline, useless in much of the areas like out camping with wide open skys, No Signals are a huge problem for many of us Off The Grid Primitive Camp Living Modern Day Nomads ??? Can anybody help Out? I'm positive there has to be a way to pick up Hella signal by unlocking our devices true potential power that the government doesn't want us to know about, we're just not smart Enough! Please anybody help a guy and his family out!!!

There are lots of things they allow in Mexico, China, etc.. that don't fly in the US. Say putting you in prison because you are complaining...
There is no magic trick for your phone to make it work where there isn't signal from your carrier/service provider. They aren't built like that and there are many areas where there just aren't towers to boost said signal. That is on the carrier/service provider and the location. Some places you just don't want towers. Say a national park. I certainly wouldn't.

This might sound completely strange to some, but have you considered that unless it is an emergency, it is good to 'not' have access sometimes. Take a break. Enjoy the world.

Just my 20 cents (no longer 2 cents due to inflation and taxes). 😉

There are lots of things they allow in Mexico, China, etc.. that don't fly in the US. Say putting you in prison because you are complaining about the government.

Look into satellite broadband. A lot of travelers use Dish service on campers and boats. And you want to be "off the grid" which means you are "off the grid". If you are traveling around to avoid big city areas why are you looking for big city services? Seems a bit of a contradiction there, can't have everything all the time. Primitive Nomads and "I want my cell phone" does not really go together LOL