Monday Night Football: Where's the HD?



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At least so far -- for the 1st 30 minutes -- Monday Night Football is in
horrible SD! Ugh! I don't think it's local Time-Warner because other HD
channels are fine. But it could be the local ABC affilliate, I suppose.

What's the situation in other markets than Austin, Texas?

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"Mack McKinnon" <> wrote in message news:<ynChd.51609$>...
> At least so far -- for the 1st 30 minutes -- Monday Night Football is in
> horrible SD! Ugh! I don't think it's local Time-Warner because other HD
> channels are fine. But it could be the local ABC affilliate, I suppose.
> What's the situation in other markets than Austin, Texas?

Fine here in Detroit.
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I think the problem was at the local ABC station.


"Larry Bud" <> wrote in message
> "Mack McKinnon" <> wrote in
message news:<ynChd.51609$>...
> > At least so far -- for the 1st 30 minutes -- Monday Night Football is in
> > horrible SD! Ugh! I don't think it's local Time-Warner because other
> > channels are fine. But it could be the local ABC affilliate, I suppose.
> >
> > What's the situation in other markets than Austin, Texas?
> Fine here in Detroit.
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The problem with MNF in Austin Monday night WAS the local station, KVUE-TV
Channel 24. I inquired and got this email reply from one of their tech

"I lost a module in the DTV path. I had to come in from home to make
repairs. Work was completed about 8:45 PM. Thanks for watching KVUE-DT and

For once, mystery solved.


"Mack McKinnon" <> wrote in
message news:7zQhd.32194$
> I think the problem was at the local ABC station.
> mack
> austin
> "Larry Bud" <> wrote in message
> > "Mack McKinnon" <> wrote
> message news:<ynChd.51609$>...
> > > At least so far -- for the 1st 30 minutes -- Monday Night Football is
> > > horrible SD! Ugh! I don't think it's local Time-Warner because other
> HD
> > > channels are fine. But it could be the local ABC affilliate, I
> > >
> > > What's the situation in other markets than Austin, Texas?
> >
> > Fine here in Detroit.
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Mack, I get Time Warner digital and last Monday night the football game was
definitely not in HD. This was the first day I got my new HD set and was
looking forward to it. What's up with the cable company's anyhow? I see
allot of stuff advertised as being broadcast in HD, but I do not get it.
Also, some of the channels I do get in HD are in the 4:3 format, well maybe
4:3. When I look at the aspect ratio it show being broadcast in 16:9
standard, but it's chopped to look 4:3. What gives here?

"Mack McKinnon" <> wrote in
message news:ynChd.51609$
> At least so far -- for the 1st 30 minutes -- Monday Night Football is in
> horrible SD! Ugh! I don't think it's local Time-Warner because other HD
> channels are fine. But it could be the local ABC affilliate, I suppose.
> What's the situation in other markets than Austin, Texas?
> mack
> austin
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On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 04:30:48 GMT, "Jack Dotson" <>

>Mack, I get Time Warner digital and last Monday night the football game was
>definitely not in HD. This was the first day I got my new HD set and was
>looking forward to it. What's up with the cable company's anyhow? I see
>allot of stuff advertised as being broadcast in HD, but I do not get it.
>Also, some of the channels I do get in HD are in the 4:3 format, well maybe
>4:3. When I look at the aspect ratio it show being broadcast in 16:9
>standard, but it's chopped to look 4:3. What gives here?

Who owns your local ABC station? If it's Sinclair it's not HD.
>"Mack McKinnon" <> wrote in
>message news:ynChd.51609$
>> At least so far -- for the 1st 30 minutes -- Monday Night Football is in
>> horrible SD! Ugh! I don't think it's local Time-Warner because other HD
>> channels are fine. But it could be the local ABC affilliate, I suppose.
>> What's the situation in other markets than Austin, Texas?
>> mack
>> austin

To reply drop XYZ in address
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"Jack Dotson" <> wrote in message
> Mack, I get Time Warner digital and last Monday night the football game
> definitely not in HD. This was the first day I got my new HD set and was
> looking forward to it. What's up with the cable company's anyhow? I see
> allot of stuff advertised as being broadcast in HD, but I do not get it.
> Also, some of the channels I do get in HD are in the 4:3 format, well
> 4:3. When I look at the aspect ratio it show being broadcast in 16:9
> standard, but it's chopped to look 4:3. What gives here?

As I posted earlier, I asked our local ABC affilliate station about it and,
sure enough, the problem here in Austin was with them. Something went down
in their equipment so that MNF was kicked down to SD for the first 45
minutes of the broadcast. After that, it was back up in HD and looked

A station may broadcast an HD signal but have an SD program or program clip
running on it. Your TV will show "1080i" or "720p" but you will see SD.
ESPNHD is a good example -- they run a lot of SD programming between those
white side bars they put up. Also, even in full-HD programming, when they
go to commercials, they will usually show them in 4:3, with black bars on
the sides. The sports broadcasts seem to have some HD cameras and some SD
cameras, so you will get some shots, still full-screen but obviously not in
HD, mixed in with the HD shots.

When you expect HD but get SD, the problem could be at the source of the
program, the local station, the cable company or in your house. If you are
getting HD from the "HD tier" of stations like INHD and/or with HD programs
being broadcast in prime time but just not with specific programs, then it's
not you. I would say that your local station is the prime suspect -- ask
them about it. Also, see what TW customer service has to say.

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"Mack McKinnon" <> wrote in
message news:q3Njd.38591$
> "Jack Dotson" <> wrote in message
> news:YDCjd.40925$
> > Mack, I get Time Warner digital and last Monday night the football game
> was
> > definitely not in HD. This was the first day I got my new HD set and
> > looking forward to it. What's up with the cable company's anyhow? I
> > allot of stuff advertised as being broadcast in HD, but I do not get it.
> > Also, some of the channels I do get in HD are in the 4:3 format, well
> maybe
> > 4:3. When I look at the aspect ratio it show being broadcast in 16:9
> > standard, but it's chopped to look 4:3. What gives here?
> As I posted earlier, I asked our local ABC affilliate station about it
> sure enough, the problem here in Austin was with them. Something went
> in their equipment so that MNF was kicked down to SD for the first 45
> minutes of the broadcast. After that, it was back up in HD and looked
> great.
> A station may broadcast an HD signal but have an SD program or program
> running on it. Your TV will show "1080i" or "720p" but you will see SD.
> ESPNHD is a good example -- they run a lot of SD programming between those
> white side bars they put up. Also, even in full-HD programming, when they
> go to commercials, they will usually show them in 4:3, with black bars on
> the sides. The sports broadcasts seem to have some HD cameras and some SD
> cameras, so you will get some shots, still full-screen but obviously not
> HD, mixed in with the HD shots.
> When you expect HD but get SD, the problem could be at the source of the
> program, the local station, the cable company or in your house. If you
> getting HD from the "HD tier" of stations like INHD and/or with HD
> being broadcast in prime time but just not with specific programs, then
> not you. I would say that your local station is the prime suspect -- ask
> them about it. Also, see what TW customer service has to say.
> mack
> austin

Thanks for the help Mack. I have them coming out Thursday morning and
hopefully I can get all my issues with them worked out then. Not only am I
not getting all my channels, the signal drops out on all my digital channels
on a regular basis. If they don't get it fixed soon I'm going to have to
start looking a alternatives.