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"Mack McKinnon" <> wrote in
message news:q3Njd.38591$
> "Jack Dotson" <> wrote in message
> news:YDCjd.40925$
> > Mack, I get Time Warner digital and last Monday night the football game
> was
> > definitely not in HD. This was the first day I got my new HD set and
> > looking forward to it. What's up with the cable company's anyhow? I
> > allot of stuff advertised as being broadcast in HD, but I do not get it.
> > Also, some of the channels I do get in HD are in the 4:3 format, well
> maybe
> > 4:3. When I look at the aspect ratio it show being broadcast in 16:9
> > standard, but it's chopped to look 4:3. What gives here?
> As I posted earlier, I asked our local ABC affilliate station about it
> sure enough, the problem here in Austin was with them. Something went
> in their equipment so that MNF was kicked down to SD for the first 45
> minutes of the broadcast. After that, it was back up in HD and looked
> great.
> A station may broadcast an HD signal but have an SD program or program
> running on it. Your TV will show "1080i" or "720p" but you will see SD.
> ESPNHD is a good example -- they run a lot of SD programming between those
> white side bars they put up. Also, even in full-HD programming, when they
> go to commercials, they will usually show them in 4:3, with black bars on
> the sides. The sports broadcasts seem to have some HD cameras and some SD
> cameras, so you will get some shots, still full-screen but obviously not
> HD, mixed in with the HD shots.
> When you expect HD but get SD, the problem could be at the source of the
> program, the local station, the cable company or in your house. If you
> getting HD from the "HD tier" of stations like INHD and/or with HD
> being broadcast in prime time but just not with specific programs, then
> not you. I would say that your local station is the prime suspect -- ask
> them about it. Also, see what TW customer service has to say.
> mack
> austin
Thanks for the help Mack. I have them coming out Thursday morning and
hopefully I can get all my issues with them worked out then. Not only am I
not getting all my channels, the signal drops out on all my digital channels
on a regular basis. If they don't get it fixed soon I'm going to have to
start looking a alternatives.