Upconvert-Downconvert ?



Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

TWC SA Explorer 8300HD box
Hitachi 32HDT20 TV

This is probably a dumb question, but I'll ask it. TWC's lineup has certain
channels designated as "HD" although I'm pretty sure much of the programming on
these channels is not HD. As an example, most of CBS's primetime programming is
HD, but during the day, most, if not all of it, is not. However, if I watch a
daytime program on a "HD" channel, it is presented in 4:3 aspect ratio and the
box indicates a "HDTV" signal. What's going on here? Is this a SD program that
is somehow converted to HD?


Tommy Flynn
Raleigh, NC
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Tommy Flynn wrote:
> TWC SA Explorer 8300HD box
> Hitachi 32HDT20 TV
> This is probably a dumb question, but I'll ask it. TWC's lineup has certain
> channels designated as "HD" although I'm pretty sure much of the programming on
> these channels is not HD. As an example, most of CBS's primetime programming is
> HD, but during the day, most, if not all of it, is not. However, if I watch a
> daytime program on a "HD" channel, it is presented in 4:3 aspect ratio and the
> box indicates a "HDTV" signal. What's going on here? Is this a SD program that
> is somehow converted to HD?
> Thanks,
> Tommy Flynn
> Raleigh, NC

Tommy, as you may know, at this time there is not enough "pure

HD Programming" to fill all the time slots... on major Networks.

Yet the HD hardware is in place for use... The hardware must come

What you have noted is the SD to HD upconvert... A original SD 4:3

Program running over 16:9 HD hardware... This is not a pure HD

as you can tell... but it is a HD signal of a SD 4:3 Program...

Welcome to the HDTV transition period which started in 1998.