Demand HDTV programming at the FCC!
I would like to start a drive for all Members to go online to the FCC website and make a government complaint demanding that all Cable and Satelite providers in the USA be required to provide all programming in HD. Why should the public be foreced to pay for HD when it is the FCC that forced us all to buy HDTV's?
According to present statistics 75% of all residences now have at least one HDTV. In fact it was the FCC, a government agency, that has forced USA citizens to purchase HDTV's, and It is required that all Over the Air (OTA) providers transmit HD signals. So Why should cable and Satelite providers, be allowed to charge for HD Content? The citizens of the USA are being held hostage by a monopoly that was created by the Federal Government.
I would like to start a drive for all Members to go online to the FCC website and make a government complaint demanding that all Cable and Satelite providers in the USA be required to provide all programming in HD. Why should the public be foreced to pay for HD when it is the FCC that forced us all to buy HDTV's?
According to present statistics 75% of all residences now have at least one HDTV. In fact it was the FCC, a government agency, that has forced USA citizens to purchase HDTV's, and It is required that all Over the Air (OTA) providers transmit HD signals. So Why should cable and Satelite providers, be allowed to charge for HD Content? The citizens of the USA are being held hostage by a monopoly that was created by the Federal Government.