monitor computer usage on laptops at home


Nov 25, 2011
I have a family member who is having an issue with one of their kids who is currently homeschooling and consistently late with handing in their assignments and doing their school work. Whenever they come to check he is always 'doing' his homework, yet assignments never get done anymore and marks have fallen drastically.

They would like to know if there is any program(s) which will allow then to monitor the screen, as well as the keystrokes & internet browsing activities.

I have heard of a program called lanschool, but I am wondering if there is a freeware alternative. It doesn't even need to be one program/package, just as long as it works and is not noticable.

Thanks in advance.


I don't know of any specific applications for that, but...

It seems as if they are trying to monitor the process, rather than the result. If he's not turning the stuff on time, it's pretty obvious he's not working on it.
Maybe move the PC to a central family location in the house.