Motherboards for an NLE PC


Jan 16, 2002
Hello folks.

Would you be so kind as to help me answer the following questions?

In PC NLE (Digital Video Editing) systems, which motherboards/chipsets have shown, (when not overclocked), to be the "best" in stability, reliability, compatibility, as well as perhaps also in performance, etc.? (including those for Athlon XP, Pentium 4 -- DDR/RD RAM, Dual Athlon, and Dual Xeon)

Is it possible to name a few of these "best" motherboards that work for ALL (or at least almost all or most) PC NLE systems?

Or does naming the "best" motherboards (for PC NLE systems) require knowing the specific PC NLE software and hardware to be used in such a system?

I am especially interested in reading the thoughts of those who have experienced various different motherboards while building and/or using such systems.

Thanks much!

P.S. I couldn't find a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) forum based at Hope you don't mind me asking -- Would you be so kind as to provide insights on the above questions regarding DAW PCs too? (if you happen to know about those also) Thanks again!
Personal experience is the only way to go here. Any setup is going to be a combination of lots of different devices, and if just one of those devices doesnt get along with the 20 others quite so well it can affect the stability either of the system as a whole or when doing a particular task.

In this situation, i'd go with a pre-built large volume supplier such as Dell, because then you have a set of devices that (so long as you dont fiddle with them) are going to be in 25000 other peoples machines too in exactly the same configuration, so i would imagine be more likely to have bugs, hiccups or just unusual ways ironed out.

If you do really want to build your own, go with an Intel manufactured motherboard (as opposed to just one that uses an Intel chipset). They give NO room for overclocking, generally have fewer features and are often a little more expensive, but in my opinion you do get your stability.

All that said, Windows ... stability ... Windows .... i dunno...

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Or does naming the "best" motherboards (for PC NLE systems) require knowing the specific PC NLE software and hardware to be used in such a system?
that is more along the lines. if it's going to be primarily an editing rig, the first thing to do is pick out which nle package you will be using. whether it's a matrox, canopus, pinnicale, ads, etc. setup each manufacture should or might have a list of recommended components. if not they will for sure have a message board. go on there and see what the people using those packages are running. read through posts and see who's had problems with this mobo or that video card, etc.

masturbation is the first step towards self-awareness.