mpeg4 on dvd player



i have seen many dvd players (not computer dvd-rom drives) that advertise that they play video cds. do they/any play the cd-r's described in tom's guide "MPEG-4 - Copying a DVD Video to CD-ROM"? (
I'm not really sure, but I think VCD's have different compression.... oh and if you know,

I have a P3800 with a Nvidia GeForce2, can I do the Mpeg4 thing? And where can i find this FlasK program?


Weakness is Disease and I am the cure.
As far as I know, MP4 is based on your CPU, not GPU. A friend who has a 1Ghz Athlon took 16 hours to encode/compress The Matrix, so have fun :)

As to where you can find Flask...

Apple? Macintosh? What are these strange words you speak?
Jesus Fatty - youre were a stranger once!!!!!


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That I was. I made a thread about people's first ever post, and listed mine and several other people's.

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