MSI Afterburner fail

Jan 27, 2015
Essentially I'm using a laptop with an amd A10 9600p (APU) and I fiddled with some settings with afterburner and i must have left apply overclocking at startup ticked. I can no longer boot into windows, I can get into the troubleshoot thing which is entire useless as every command I put in command prompt just gives an error. I've taken the hdd out my laptop and plugged it in my pc, deleted msi afterburner but obviously the settings remain, no idea how to reset these settings please help. my only guess would be loading into that version of windows on my pc and reinstall then uninstall afterburner? need help thanks
Yeah... Microsoft completely screwed up Windows Safe Mode with Windows 10.

To get into Windows Safe Mode in Windows 10 you actually have to log into Windows 10 first. Then you need to click the Windows icon in the lower left corner. Then click the Power icon. At that point you hold down the SHIFT key and click Restart. This bring up a menu when the laptop or desktop reboots that you need to navigate through it to find the "Safe Mode" option.

Otherwise, you need to use a Windows Recovery Drive. Hopefully you created one. If not then I believe you can create one from any PC running Windows 10. You need a 8GB USB drive to create one and use it to boot into Safe Mode. I bought a 16GB USB drive from Bestbuy for something like $6 or $8...
I applied startup repair using a separate windows 10 usb and it actually fixed the issue, this was after I deleted msi afterburner from program files so not sure if it would have worked had I not deleted the program files of msi afterburner.
Yeah... Microsoft completely screwed up Windows Safe Mode with Windows 10.

To get into Windows Safe Mode in Windows 10 you actually have to log into Windows 10 first. Then you need to click the Windows icon in the lower left corner. Then click the Power icon. At that point you hold down the SHIFT key and click Restart. This bring up a menu when the laptop or desktop reboots that you need to navigate through it to find the "Safe Mode" option.

Otherwise, you need to use a Windows Recovery Drive. Hopefully you created one. If not then I believe you can create one from any PC running Windows 10. You need a 8GB USB drive to create one and use it to boot into Safe Mode. I bought a 16GB USB drive from Bestbuy for something like $6 or $8.

See following link for more info: