MSI GE60 processor too hot


Dec 5, 2015
Hope you had a nice day guys.
So my problem, i notice that my laptop (when i game, and other things but mostly when gaming) was running little weird, i played cs go with 10/20 fps and sometimes going from 150 fps to 30 was frustrating so i noticed was the processor temperature it was 80/70 browsing gaming 80/95.
so i cleaned the pc bought some [Arctic Silver® 5 cleaned the fan, now i can play on 150 fps on cs go the pc is much better but the processor still goes to 86º gaming (league of legends cs go) and browsing 70-60.

Dont know what to do, should i clean again and put the artric silver 5 again?

sorry for the English errors :/


Dec 5, 2015

the thing is when i bought it he was around 40º :/, thanks anyway .

ps: sorry for the delay

It idled at 40 degrees? Or under light load? I see no mention of your GPU temp. As the GPU and CPU in the GE60 use the same fan, the temp of the GPU can somewhat affect the temp of the CPU, and vice-versa. I'd repaste both the CPU and GPU and see what happens.



Dec 5, 2015

the GPU its 51º playing.
i repaste both (on the day i start the topic, should i do it again? :/

Ah, that's right. CS: GO is a CPU intensive game. Not sure what to tell you. I'd probably repaste both, but no guarantee that it will make any difference. I would also check to see how many programs are running at startup of your laptop. Perhaps some can be shut off. Not sure what other reason why the CPU temp would be so much higher than it used to be, if everything is cleaned and pasted well. Hope someone else can come up with an answer for you.

My GT70 has a turbo fan button that can be pressed to ramp up the fan speed. Does the GE60 have such a button (I forget if it does)?

P.S. Also assuming that you are using the laptop on a flat hard surface to allow proper airflow for the fan.