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My ASUS laptop shuts off randomly

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Nov 26, 2013
I just got my computer about 10 months ago and about 2 months ago it shut off randomly. I didn't get it looked at because it said it was doing updates so I thought that was why. Now it shuts off all the time. I've had it looked at by geek squad and the said it seemed fine to them but then just today it shut off again after I had it on for about 10 minutes. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
ohh, well, if you try to touch the bottom for example, is it really hot?
try installing something like realtemp (among others), to see the temperature.

also, try to remember the last few updates/installations that you did. maybe its the culprit


May 25, 2015

The problem is the Hardrive. SSD Solid State Drives are garbage. After 2 years they start malfunctioning. Get a tech to replace the hardrive completely. My laptop is back to normal now.



Mar 29, 2014
This is more of a testimony than a solution. Ordered my Asus X550L, 15.6" laptop in Feb. 2014 at amazon.com (also listed as the seller). Just over a year later, the battery began failing; it stopped keeping the laptop powered on for at least three hours. One moment the Power Options icon in Systray would report something like 89% available and a few minutes later, it would blindside you with a complete, hard shutdown. Right now, I have it plugged in and Power Options reports 89% available and not charging. WTF?!! Instead of getting a new battery, I may switch to a Lenovo; I see many colleagues at my workplace using this brand and no one's been complaining about it.


Aug 27, 2015
BTW, this solved it.

Well if it is, it is internal heat and not exposure heat. I bought this to game online and it is not fun when it just goes kaput. Someone mentioned removing the battery and holding down the power button for 30 seconds. I assume this discharges any errant electrons that might be pulling a gremlin on it. Who knows. I do know I will not buy another ASUS.

And I had a serious problems with 3 lenovos in a row, the first of them taking 8 months and three travels to manufacturer to be refunded, because they just didnt solved it and didnt want to change it for a new or refurbished one. The other two went in and out of my house in less than a week so I got them refunded by the very store, not lenovo itself.

One Acer long ago smelled like hell itself from day 0 and another one took 3 weeks to break it's power system (not the battery, but the mobo). One familiar gone thru lots of shit with a high end, expensive as a palace, Sony Vaio for more than a year.

One ASRock mobo on desktop took 6 years to fry, one Gigabyte mobo took 2 months. One Asus mobo lived 4 years and another one fried in less than 6 months.

Long story short: Electronics fail. Chose the manufacturer with the best and faster technical support and the most responsive team.


Oct 24, 2015

what is the current update about your laptop? I am having the same problem. Please share and let me know if the problem has been resolved.



Nov 13, 2015
I have a Asus desktop since July, 15. Within 2 months I had the hard drive replaced 4 times and NOW the pc shuts down without warning.
I'm now going to take it back to PC World for a refund. Fed up



Nov 26, 2015



Nov 26, 2015
Hi, I had a similar problem with my Asus laptop R501V, randomly shutting down and restarting, long story short, one day I removed one of the two 8gig memory modules and bingo, it has operated without problem for 8 days. I hope this fix works for some of the people on this forum


Feb 15, 2016
I have had this issue with every laptop I have owned and spent many hours trying to find a solution to this problem.I have changed brands every time I bought a new laptop because of this, but the problem always occurs and slowly gets worse over time. I eventually found a solution on my previous machine...

I changed from Acer to Sony Vaio and I now own an Asus which had its second sudden power off shutdown lastnight, first one a few weeks after purchase in september. I am a gamer and all my laptops are bought specifically for gaming with as good as spec as I can afford. My Asus is still under guarantee but I wont let run of the mill tech monkeys anywhere near it, thats just me.

(I cant use a desktop pc at home as I run mainly on solar battery power from a good sinewave inverter and modern gaming desktops need too much juice for that. Before anyone asks I have the problem on grid or inverter power it doesnt make any difference.)

Anyway I have some knowledge of pc tech so when my Sony Vaio started to shutdown all the time, a few years ago (and about 2 years after purchase), I checked all the usual suspects i.e

- Always kept fan clean and used a good laptop cooler - temps were always the best i could get them
- All that re seating stuff
- Checked HDD was never any errors
- Memcheck no errors
- Remove battery and/or RAM banks - problem was the same
- Full system reboot to factory spec and everything inbetween - problem was the same
- Power supply output - normal function but tried a new one anyway - problem was the same
- Nvdia graphics card tried all the different gfx drivers I could find - problem was the same

and anything else you can think of ... audio drivers, bios, etc.
Always the same error in windows event log i.e Error ID 41 - critical shutdown - MW kernel power.

It occured to me that the problem nearly always occured when my graphics card was running at max performance level. Eventually the machine would turn itself off almost immediately after loading up a game, and it was any game that i had on my HDD at the time.

I reduced the processor max to 80% and downclocked my gfx card (NVIDIA 425m) 1 notch using Nvidia Inspector. This was mostly successful so i took my card down 2 notches and after that I ran problem free for at least a year until I upgraded to a new laptop. I put the processor max back to 100% and that was always ok.

So for me anyway it was always problem with the graphics card, my games didnt seem to suffer from a slight downclock of the card.

Im just hoping that this is gonna work on my Asus because I really dont want to send it in.

BUT does anyone know why this happens, are gaming laptops just that bit too close to the limit with power requirements ? Is it specific to NVIDIA as all my laptops have had that in common, or does it happen with Radeon equipped laptops aswell ?

Hope this helps someone.



Mar 28, 2016
My mother-in-law cannot upgrade her Asus X59GL to Windows 10. The laptop just shuts down when the installation is between 2-10% done (copying files).
Running in Windows 7 and just idling, shows temperatures around 65-70c (100c is max). And this is with the CPU-clock being throttled up/down according to demand.

Reason: Once Win10 is installing or you go to BIOS settings (F2 during boot) the CPU is not throttled and temperature gets to the maximum limit, and the computer shuts down.

Solution: Since the computer is 5-6 years old, i reckoned that vacuuming the fan-exit and other "breathing holes" on the bottom side would help the issue. But, that is not enough. I took the big plate of the bottom and removed the fan. As you can see from the picture the heatsink is almost completely blocked by dust. I cleaned this out and also gently cleaned the fanblades with a brush.
This solved the issue, and the overheating problem is not anymore.
This just goes to show, that periodically maintenance of the internals are vital on some laptops to keep them running cool. http://imgur.com/v68zVP9


Apr 8, 2016
My step-daughter's ASUS102b had a similar shut down problem that was linked to movement of the lid / screen. Disassembling found the two screws (black screws, one on each hinge) that held the hinges in place were loose. When the lid was moved it caused the motherboard to flex also. Tightening the screws solved the issues completely. A little threadlock glue would be good to ensure they stay in place


Apr 29, 2016
I think I have a clue. After a couple of those sudden shutdowns, I did my work always plugged in for almost a week, instead of on battery. Normally I work on battery until it's fairly low, then plug in and work while charging. Today, after the week of not running the battery down, I've worked for several hours now on battery without a problem. My guess is that there may be an issue with the charge level detection, and that working fully charged to the top perhaps resets it properly. Or it's possible the indicator is showing higher than the charge level and the computer is shutting down because it's actually too low. Don't know which, but this is a big clue. My computer is running nice and cool, always on a podium cooling pad.


Apr 30, 2016

I had this same problem with my Asus and I updated the bios (with Winflash) and now it seems to be working fine.


May 29, 2016
My Asus Zen was shutting down 'randomly', and I noticed that this was happening whenever I placed it on a leather case, which has a magnetic closing mechanism - I presume the cause of the shut down is the magnets when in close proximity to my laptop.


Jan 6, 2017
My Asus laptop shuts down under the slightest GPU load but if i tell it to run on the intel instead of the onboard Nvidia chip it still runs.

I always thought asus were good but clearly i was mistaken as a lot of people seem to be having shutdown issues


Mar 27, 2017

10 minutes ago my latop shut off and I lost 5 minutes worth of writing.. so I changed my autosave in word from 10 minutes to 1 minute:
Word > File > Options > Save > 1 min
Still cant figure out the solution to ASUS laptop randomly shutting off....
I just bought this laptop on December 26th 2016 and I had this issue since mid January 2017. I bought this with the Geek squad at Best Buy and wanted to get this laptop replaced entirely, but they didn't have the same kind in stock so they sent it to the manufacturing to get it "fixed". Two weeks later it was brought back with no issues found. One week later other issues occurred on top of the shutting off such as the wifi networks not showing up as options and when video editing, graphics card wouldn't be able to handle the GRAPHICS -.-
SO it was sent back to the manufacture and the two things were updated.
Now we are in March 2017 and I AM STILL having the "shutting off issues".
Can someone PLEASE help me.


Apr 18, 2017
The same my Asus A55VD. It is NOT a heat problem. NOT a software problem. NOT a battery problem. It is a PITFALL of Asus. We MUST to make everybody to know it and reclaim a Asus a solution all together.


Apr 29, 2017
I had the same problem but found that it was because the screen was not at a wide enough angle. With touchscreen it was just a little too close and it would "bounce" back. Moved the screen further back and that solved the problem
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