My brand new Hydro Wave won't charge or turn on. Please help!


Sep 21, 2015
I just bought a Hydro Wave 2 days ago at Metro PCS. I charged it fully before using it and the phone worked great all that day and most of the night. As it should thought, right? I had to leave for awhile and forgot my charger. When I got home, my battery was at 2%. I rushed in to put it on charge, but I didn't make it before it powered down. I plugged the charger in and then the phone and nothing happened! No battery symbol, no lights, no anything. Wth? It was too late to take it back to Metro so I spent hours on the Web trying to figure out what to do. Nothing has worked. I intend on being at Metro when they open today, but would it if I could find a way to fix it myself. Please, somebody help!
Thanks in advance!


Sep 28, 2015

You can perform jump start to your device. Try to charge it for exactly 30mins then unplug it for a minute then charge it back for 8hours. That should help you device battery to function correctly. Let me know if this step worked for you. Thanks!