My gaming laptop, Acer Aspire V3 772G, has gotten a lot worse


Jun 10, 2016
So i bought this laptop two and a half years ago and it has decreased a lot in performance. When i started using this laptop, I almost only played Minecraft. so for two years this has been my main "minecraft computer" but for about half a year ago i started playing CS:GO, but i could not get a stable 90fps ingame, so i maximized the fps to 60fps ingame (which is very low for CS:GO), but i realised that this computer should be able to run this at atleast a stable 90fps.. i did this to have a stable fps ingame (which is important for playing this game).
I then tried minecraft again, but couldn't even get 20 fps anymore. (at the lowest settings) i Used to get around 120fps ingame before.
what has heppened? i downloaded geforce experience so that i could update my drivers, i went to the geforce control panel and tried to fix it, but nothing works. i am still only getting 60fps.
in this 2 and a half year period i have restarted windows four times and added a second monitor.
Acer Aspire V3 772G
Intel Core i7 4702MQ
Geforce gt 750M
16gb ddr3 memory

in some games it says that it only detects my intergrated intel graphics HD 4600, instead of my Geforce card.
(sorry for bad english)
@Awesomenes931, Nvidia Geforce Experience is perfectly fine to use and doesn't download software that would hurt the OP's system. NGE only bad part is that it may setup your game settings to there "optimal" 45 FPS.

@Fredrik_Critical, Make sure V-Sync is off as it will limited your FPS to 60. Also download a anti-virus program like Avast or AVG Free versions and run full scans. Also download Malwarebytes and run a full scan on that. I would also uninstall Nvidia Geforce Experience as it may be adjusting your game settings wrong. When you go to re-download the Nvidia drivers select custom install and only select to download the Graphics Driver, PhysX Driver and HD Audio (if you want). Afterwards go into Device Manager and let me know if...
always do it manually or hire a professional to do it.
this is because most so called "computer cleaners" have no access to drive C: so, therefore, they aren't actually cleaning anything, just downloading more stuff.
@Awesomenes931, Nvidia Geforce Experience is perfectly fine to use and doesn't download software that would hurt the OP's system. NGE only bad part is that it may setup your game settings to there "optimal" 45 FPS.

@Fredrik_Critical, Make sure V-Sync is off as it will limited your FPS to 60. Also download a anti-virus program like Avast or AVG Free versions and run full scans. Also download Malwarebytes and run a full scan on that. I would also uninstall Nvidia Geforce Experience as it may be adjusting your game settings wrong. When you go to re-download the Nvidia drivers select custom install and only select to download the Graphics Driver, PhysX Driver and HD Audio (if you want). Afterwards go into Device Manager and let me know if the 750M is showing up.

@WildCard999 should i download Geforce experience again after i have uninstalled it? i have uninstalled it now but i am unsure of how i can update the drivers now. I went to the graphics card section in device manager and both of them were there (Intel(R) HD Graphics 6400 and the Nvidia Geforce GT 750M).
I mentioned in my original thread that i captioned my FPS at 60fps, so i could get a stable framerate. (fps_max 61) is what i use in console. if i go any higher like (fps_max 80) i will get lag spikes which ruins the gameplay.
I downloaded AVG free and it said that i had some major malware, so im not sure if i should trust it. (since it is free)
AVG (& AVG Free) is a trusted anti-virus so whatever it finds let it quarantine it or get rid of it. Malwarebytes should be able to get rid of it if AVG cannot do so, then re-scan with both afterwards to make sure the malware is gone. Since your monitor only refreshes at 60 FPS, trying to go any higher TBH is a waste and will just end up heating up the laptop more then it needs to since its pushing the CPU/GPU harder. You can reinstalled Nvidia Geforce Experience for drivers but I typically like to set my own game settings as there configuration is kind of crappy.

If malware is still showing up after re-scanning then you may need to manually find the folder and delete/uninstall the folders/programs that are causing these issues. Also I know I said before to leave V-sync off but just leave it on so that it matches your FPS to your monitors refresh rate and will help with screen tearing.

OK thanks a lot 😀