Solved! My keyboard is doing the same thing as the above situation but you didn't describe which buttonbexactly it is on the right sid

Oct 22, 2018
My keyboard stopped working and my grandson might have turned the button off mentioned in a thread I read but they didn't describe the button on said it was on the right side need more information or a screenshot of this button that is easily turned on and off accidentally???
Please don't keep repeating yourself --- just be patient and wait for help -- might take several hours depending on how busy we are.

If this is an external keyboard, try a different one. I'm not aware of any key or button that completely disables the keyboard, so your existing one may simply have failed.
Oct 22, 2018
My keyboard stopped working only the internal one works and I read a thread about another computer with my exact same problem and someone told her it might be a button on the right that is easily accidentally turned on and off I need more information in that button which button on the right too bottom ??? A screenshot with it highlighted would be most helpful!!
Please don't keep repeating yourself --- just be patient and wait for help -- might take several hours depending on how busy we are.

If this is an external keyboard, try a different one. I'm not aware of any key or button that completely disables the keyboard, so your existing one may simply have failed.