My laptop is running 95° Celsius on idle and I've tried everything I can think of. I've had heating issues at the before, but it's gotten much worse, So bad that it is currently unusable. before it would only reach temperatures like that in games and I would have to use an ice pack. I'm not sure what triggered it to get worse or what was wrong with it in the first place, but I decided to open it quite recently and I repasted my laptop and cleaned out a considerable amount of dust. I thought that was the issue and I went to boot it up today and it was a consistent 95 and throttling the whole time. I've also tried undervolting it, though it had a negligible effect. My laptop is a ASUS GL703VD-WB71, it has a GTX 1060 and an i7-7700HQ. I bought it "refurbished" from Amazon. I'm ready to sell this thing on craigslist as scrap.