My laptop pc can't connect to any LAN games at all.


Mar 12, 2015
Hamachi and any other network programs are uninstalled, and i've tried turning off Firewall. Is something wrong with my PC?
if you are using Windows 7 or so...You must setup your LAN connection as Homegroup. in which you have to create a Homegroup->setup a password and "JOIN" from second PC that homegroup.

Note: There might be some common mistakes you have made & need to apply tricks:

1) Your second PC might be creating it's own homegroup in which case it won't give you option to join First PC's Homegroup. So, you have to leave homegroup which is already created for PC2. and then it will give you option to join PC1 Homegroup with a password you chose.

2) If still you are not getting the Shared Network locations of both PCs...even after turning off the firewall....... You might wanna connect your Games directly via typing IP address in console, it will connect just fine unless there is an actual network error. It prevents a lot of hassle if gaming is ur only concern here.

3) You should give manual IP address ipv4 configuration if you didn't already eg. 192.168.x.x1 & 192.168.x.x2

I myself had this problem recently & resolved with these some basic, hopefully it will work for you too.