Could be simply a limit of the connections you are using. Did you check with Lenovo support about the specs of the docking station you are using? They are likely to say the issue is from you connecting it to a Dell, if you contact Dell they will say it's the fault of the Lenovo dock. But need to check if what you have can even handle what you want.
Ok, so I got a thunderbolt 3 to display port 1.4 vesa certified cable to circumvent the Lenovo docking station. and I tried to follow this guide to use the custom resolution utility and try to force it to go to 144hz, however when I go to type in 144hz it greys out the ok button and the maximum I could set it to in the CRU was 129hz, so I tried that. and windows forced itself to revert from the 129 back to the 100hz I'm am currently stuck at. even the monitor said it was running at 100hz in the OSD when I tried the CRU at 129hz. I was successfully able to get the monitor to run at 144hz on a different pc without any problems or the need to install anything (desktop i7-4770s, GTX 970, 16gb Ram) so with the cable. So here's where I am at:
-Monitor itself - not the problem
-docking station - not the problem
-cables - not the problem
-Custom Resolution Utility does not work either.
So this basically only leaves the laptop left, which has a 1650ti and an i7-10875H (8-core), so the laptop is very much able to hand the resolution combined with the fact that I am using a thunderbolt 3 port which has more than enough bandwidth to support 3440x1440 @ 144hz. So for the first time, I can successfully say I am absolutely stumped as to what to do. Like could this be a problem with Nvidia Optimus or the intel graphics? I mean I did go into the Nvidia control panel and change it to always use the dGPU all the time.