my laptop won't type anything

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lil livi

Mar 4, 2017
I have a lenovo ideapad and just recently the keyboard messed up. The caps lock key is lit up like it would if I enabled it (which i didn't) and no matter what i do it won't disable. The entire keyboard won't do anything either. When I press the keys, nothing happens on screen. The reason this happened is most likely because I set my drawing tablet on top while I was doing digital artwork and when I drew the lines and stuff my hand mashed on random keys. I didn't think much of it at the time but now I really regret it. I'm not to good with computers so I have no idea what to do. I'm scared that pressing random keys will just make it worse. Please help me!
Try this...

1. Uninstall the keyboard driver.
2. Reboot the computer (without reinstalling the driver).
3. When it restarts, it should reinstall the driver on its own.

If this doesn't work, you may wish to try connecting an external keyboard and see if it works fine. If it does, then it could be the keys themselves that are the issue.

You may also want to try updating the Synaptics Driver if the above doesn't help.
Try this...

1. Uninstall the keyboard driver.
2. Reboot the computer (without reinstalling the driver).
3. When it restarts, it should reinstall the driver on its own.

If this doesn't work, you may wish to try connecting an external keyboard and see if it works fine. If it does, then it could be the keys themselves that are the issue.

You may also want to try updating the Synaptics Driver if the above doesn't help.


Jan 15, 2018
Are you sure you have to do all of that to fix your problem? If a cat stepped on your keyboard then the solution is as simple as pressing some keys... On the keypad of your laptop you will have a button which has a sign of open laptop... This has different modes of your laptop... Your cat must have stepped on some other mode... Try changing that mode and it should work fine.
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