My left part of my Bluetooth earphone won't work

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Nov 26, 2017
My left part stops working some time this month. I have no idea what is causing this, but it stops working after one of my friend accidentally threw it. Another reason the earphones might not work is the cable connecting the left part and the right part... Are there any way to know the problem and fix it?
Well, something similar happened to me, the left side just died suddently. I managed to open the speaker thing and found that it was a bad connection on the direct wire. Unfourtanely, I could not fix it because for some reason everytime I plugged the earbud on my ear it stopped again. Maybe only by using a solding iron or even removing and inserting the wire again with the same technique. Anyways I don't have that so I just left them away and turned back to the common earphones. This is all I can help :/
Well, something similar happened to me, the left side just died suddently. I managed to open the speaker thing and found that it was a bad connection on the direct wire. Unfourtanely, I could not fix it because for some reason everytime I plugged the earbud on my ear it stopped again. Maybe only by using a solding iron or even removing and inserting the wire again with the same technique. Anyways I don't have that so I just left them away and turned back to the common earphones. This is all I can help :/
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