My lg smart tv remotes cursor keeps randomly popping up on the screen even though it hasnt been moved and is not being used. Please help! Even taking the batteries out won't stop it
My curser now reappears at the centre of the screen after post-movement time out. Cannot get rid of it. This has been happening since yesterday. Very annoying.
Michelle_112 :
MERGED QUESTION Question from Michelle_112 : "Remote control cursor"
My lg smart tv remotes cursor keeps randomly popping up on the screen even though it hasnt been moved and is not being used. Please help
My lg smart tv remotes cursor keeps randomly popping up on the screen even though it hasnt been moved and is not being used. Please help! Even taking the batteries out won't stop it
Has anyone found out how to fix the problem with the lg magic remote cursor randomly showing up?
It turned out the components got moisture in them. I opened up the unit cleaned and reasembled this fixed the problem.. It also happened to my father's remote and the same procedure fixed that as well.