My Quest for an all in one device


Apr 15, 2013
Let me start this thread by saying I have a goal for someday having the ultimate( for my needs) all in one device that combines a tablet,laptop,desktop computer, phone, and maybe even watch. ( more on that later)

Primary Wants

I want a small laptop that is capable of running PC games smoothly, but is also small enough to fit into my backpack without taking up too much room that also has the ability to transform into a tablet or tablet mode but also has a docking station that I can place it in when I get home to use my large desk top monitor ( and if possible my other 2 monitors. My desktop currently runs 3 monitors)

Key points

  • Powerful enough to run games
    Small enough to be light and mobile
    Converts into tablet
    Has docking station

Secondary wants (or more likely ones that aren't realistic right now)

I also would like to someday have a device that meets the above criteria but also has 4g service and could be used as a cell phone ( with a head set of course) and also syncs nicely with a smart watch.

I currently have a Galaxy note 2 and Had a sony smart watch but was very disappointed in the user experience of the smart watch and gave up on it. I am looking forward to the upcoming Samsung and Microsoft Watches.

Anyway if any one could provide any inside on my "Primary Wants" section I would appreciate it. Assume cost isnt an issue at this time because this is more of a long term goal not something I am going to buy tomorrow.

When you dream, you dream big! Reading your above post led me to this specific product; the Razer Edge Pro:

As far as I know, this is the most powerful hybrid console on the market. Here's a review:

The battery life, however is unfortunately at a mere 3.5 hrs (6.5 hrs on extended battery).