Brandon_121 :
rghthqrjqrjw5r :
I had this problem too. You have to hold the reset buttons (lock & volume up) for longer than you would think. Hold the reset buttons until it turns on. I'd say it takes at least 10 long seconds. That worked for me, hope it works for you too.
If you hold the power button and volume up button it was factory reset but if u hold the power and volume down buttons it will only do a hard reset just did that and it works perfect now would rather try that way first so you don't loose all your save stuff
Very easy fix because this is how it got to that condition in the first place (generally speaking) : 3 buttons hold at once for over 3 seconds: Power, Volume Down, Home! Then it will ask you if you want to continue to start normally, hit volume down to answer the question. Worked great for me!