my tablet wont rotate automatically

My Android tablet stopped auto-rotating ths year regardless of settings. I believe the sensor is bad. I found two apps that will do it for me. Netflix will switch it from portrait to landscape after you start to play content and Wise Optomizer will switch it from landscape to portrait when you start that app. Its a workaround but I will take it. Surely other apps wll do this too but of the ten or so apps I use these are the only two that do..

My Samsung has just starting to the same I keep checking that I have it set in settings and always do thanks for the workarounds
I don't know if you have the 2 in 1 system.

You have a two in one tablet? (It works as a tablet and has a keyboard to be attached?)

If so, separate them, (if a mouse is used, remove the small mouse USB from the tablet)

Once separated, swipe from right to left, then disable the rotate lock. Change position of display, then engage rotation lock again. Attach both halves again.
Slide down from the top of the screen where it shows wifi and data at the top of the screen now look for rotation it might be off so turn it on that should do it :)
Slide down from the top of the screen where it shows wifi and data at the top of the screen now look for rotation it might be off so turn it on that should do it

Best answer yet; worked for me. Many thanks to gublin