My toshiba laptop starting only in safemode what is reason the os is windows 7


Jan 10, 2012
My toshiba laptop is working only in safe mode .what is the reason i don't no .If i switch on is directly going to safe mode .i don't want to format .i want to work normal mode .If any solution please help me
I got stuck in safe mode the other day. My system restore wasnt working so tried to use it in safe mode and then it wouldnt go back to normal mode.

I think this is how i sorted it.

type msconfig in the search box in the start menu
right click on the msconfig program and run as administrator.

On the first tab of it it would have normal startup selected if it was workin normally. If its not selected select it.
Now look on the next tab Boot. Is safe boot selected? If so unselect it.

When mine wasnt working if i unselected safe boot here and went back to the first tab it would of changed to selective startup on its own.

Try going back to first tab and see if normal startup is still selected.
If it is just press ok and it will say to reboot. See if that works.
If it changed to selective startup by itself when you unselected safe boot - select normal startup again and go back to the boot tab - make sure safeboot is unchecked and tick the box that says make all boot settings perminant.
Press ok and reboot.

Im pretty sure thats how I got it out of safe mode. Hope it works