my wifi drivers are installed but wifi is not switching on?.. gateway ne56r

There are a lot of reasons for this. Many laptops have a physical wifi switch on the outside of the case, did you check that first? If that is on and it still has not lit up then check your network settings to see if it is turned off there, do that by right licking on the little network icon (looks like 2 pc monitors) in the system tray. Or you can get to it via the control panel. Try that first let us know.
There are a lot of reasons for this. Many laptops have a physical wifi switch on the outside of the case, did you check that first? If that is on and it still has not lit up then check your network settings to see if it is turned off there, do that by right licking on the little network icon (looks like 2 pc monitors) in the system tray. Or you can get to it via the control panel. Try that first let us know.