Nakamichi CDP 2A tray won't slide out


Nov 12, 2009
I have a Nak CPD2A. When I press eject I hear whirring and a click but the tray does not emerge.

I've opened the case and it appears that the top part does not rise enough to allow the tray to slide.

When I apply a slight down pressure at the back of the top element the front rises properly and tray slides out.

I have not disassembled the CD player, but I guess that may be next.

Is there any obvious solution to this? I was thinking of attaching either a rubber band or a spring to the back to give it some down force, but that may cause other problems.

The puck that slides across to raise the tray is jamming -- this is a commen fault in computer drives. One cause is slippage due to stretch or grease on the belt driving the drawer mechanism.

I have two ancient Marantz CD decks and a friend has the same model -- in every case the drawer drive mechanism has a cracked cog and won't open. The solution is to attach a handle to the front of the drawer (the Marantz draw isn't concealed behind a window), turn off the power and pull the drawer out, replace the CD and push the drawer closed, power up.
Thanks for the response fihar, but that doesn't seem to work here. It appears that the top platter needs to rise before the tray can slide out. In the down position it seems to prevent the tray from sliding. So I need a way to get the top platter to get out of the way. Just not sure what's holding it down.
By top part I'm guessing you mean the clamp which stabilises the CD on the drive hub.

That usually has an arm with a cam that locates into the drawer mechanism so that it rises as the drawer begins to open.

You'll have to relocate the cam in a channel, if that is the issue.

Best thing is to open the case, power up and keep cycling the drawer mechanism while you watch intently -- you may figure it out in time.
Thanks for your suggestions - and you were right.
I didn't want to screw things up so I took it in for reparis. Had to replace the belt and while at it they cleaned things as well.