NASA: Chile Quake Could Have Shifted Earth's Axis

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[citation][nom]omnimodis78[/nom]If by "hippies" you mean people who are concerned about our environment then you are mistaken my friend, it's quite well known what's causing weather pattern anomalies...[/citation]

farting cows
With that theory; you can also blame the large skyscrapers built all over the world for the shift in mass distribution...
Maybe Al Gore can run with this now and say how the shorter day of 1 microsecond will increase the risk of MORE ICE in the arctic! He may just win another Nobel Prize for preaching about it ~wink~
Accretion of cosmic dust, and bigger particles, has increased the earth's mass for ages, to the same effect - meteorite strikes even more so - and nobody got too excited about it. The earth is slowing down permanently - also due to tidal effects created by the moon.
Momentum conservation anyone?
"earthquake that measured 8.8", "hundreds of kilometers of rock" (what measurement units are that?), "probably", "should have" sounds very scientific...
Are the nasa clowns trying to deflect the attention from their huge AGW bullshit fiasco with sensationalist "news"?
Accretion of cosmic dust, and bigger particles, has increased the earth's mass for ages, to the same effect - meteorite strikes even more so - and nobody got too excited about it. The earth is slowing down permanently - also due to tidal effects created by the moon.
Momentum conservation anyone?
"earthquake that measured 8.8", "hundreds of kilometers of rock" (what measurement units are that?), "probably", and "should have" sounds very scientific...
Are the nasa clowns trying to deflect the attention from their huge AGW bullshit fiasco with sensationalist "news"?
[citation][nom]ender21[/nom]Whoever mentioned Moment Magnitude is on to something: Richter Scale tops out at 7.0. Moment Magnitude is now used to measure medium-to-large quakes. It is, however, inaccurate for smaller quakes so Richter is still used for them. From ~5.0 to 7.0 the two scales are virtually identical, so a 5.0 on both are considered equal to each other.[/citation]
The Richter scale doesn't "top out". It's a logarithmic one, based on mechanical effects at 100km from the epicenter, so just the probability of an event with magnitude higher than 7 is quite low.
The Moment magnitude scale was later introduced, for a more objective classification, being based on released energy, and largely consistent with the Richter one, by design.
On the contrary, the Mercalli scale is based on perceived effects, and it tops out at 10 (12 in the modern modified version).
Fair enough, "top out," was a poor choice of words (though any base 10 scale eventually does top out... at 10.), but one of the reasons the Richter was replaced by the Moment Magnitude scale is because Richter becomes saturated at quakes above 7.0, resulting in inaccuracies, which is one of its deficiencies that resulted in its replacement by MM for medium to large quakes in the first place. Another being the inaccuracies in data if the seismic measuring station is 600km or more away from the epicenter.
damn this is my hard earned money at work. you have got to be kidding me. every time there is an earth quake the earth will chance in one way or another. you don't really need to be smart or spend a lot of money to figure this out. NASA is the biggest joke we have in this country.
[citation][nom]demonnn[/nom]when will we create an earthquake preventor?[/citation]

When will that happen? when we frezze the core of the earth, although we dont want that to happen so i rather deal with earthquakes.
[citation][nom]maestintaolius[/nom]Why is it that every site that reports this the comments shift to climate change debates? This has nothing to do with climate and I can't find anything referencing climate in the nasa article. Its an angular momentum problem resulting in extremely tiny shifts in rotational rate and axis.[/citation]
"Its an Liberal momentum problem resulting in extremely far left idiots in rotational powwer" Fixed it for you. You get a Liberal Scandal, he/she swears there was no wrong doing...then he/she steps down - in with a different face...same old pocket picking blood suckers. How many elected/appointed Democrats have we seen do this since Obama took office? I don't think I have enough fingers and toes to count.

On a personal note, its soo cold in Minnesota this winter, I cought Democrat with his hands in his own pocket. Global Warming my tush.
Oops!! Sorry...did I just make this into a Political - Obama sucks, Liberals move to Canada, debate? Oh my....wut must I do now to right this wrong?......

[citation][nom]r3t4rd[/nom]Oops!! Sorry...did I just make this into a Political - Obama sucks, Liberals move to Canada, debate? Oh my....wut must I do now to right this wrong?......[/citation]

I don't know, maybe you should go pray at your altar of Rush Limbaugh and see what you come up with.
[citation][nom]r3t4rd[/nom]"Its an Liberal momentum problem resulting in extremely far left idiots in rotational powwer" Fixed it for you. You get a Liberal Scandal, he/she swears there was no wrong doing...then he/she steps down - in with a different face...same old pocket picking blood suckers. How many elected/appointed Democrats have we seen do this since Obama took office? I don't think I have enough fingers and toes to count. On a personal note, its soo cold in Minnesota this winter, I cought Democrat with his hands in his own pocket. Global Warming my tush.[/citation]
[citation][nom]r3t4rd[/nom]Oops!! Sorry...did I just make this into a Political - Obama sucks, Liberals move to Canada, debate? Oh my....wut must I do now to right this wrong?......[/citation]

Well you sure as hell got one thing right... Your screen name.
Gore's intent was to get people more concerned about the enviorment, or at least get people talking about the fact that pollution can't go unchecked indefinitely without it having some effect on the planet. Which is really a round about way of saying it will have an effect on US ya know HUMANITY.

It's called CAUSE and EFFECT.

Anyone that can't wrap their head around that simple fact should cease expressing their opinion on this subject...or any other subject really. Ideally their living genetic line would be prevented from continuing to reproduce (again cause and effect, just look at some purebred dogs sometime...or visit a few very small rural American towns in the south).

I'm pretty sure everyone, at least in the past 20-30 years remembers the 8th or 9th grade science project where you had to attempt making a self sustaining ecosystem with water, plants and a few insects of varying kinds and have it survive for 1 month. In my experience those were the only guidelines we had to follow though it was suggested we try using plants, soil, water and insects we collected ourselves. Looking back that was a pretty obvious hint, but everyone already knew that of the 800 or so students that are given that project every year only a dozen or two actually survived past a week, and making it more then two days still merited a C, so not a lot of incentive to make the extra effort.

Having too much soil resulted in either having it absorb too much water drying the plant life, or having to add so much it drowned the plant life...or the insects. Not enough soil and the plant life couldn't root properly, too much plants would produce too much oxygen to survive, too little the insect wouldn't either. Pretty much anyone that used tap water didn't make it past a few see what i'm getting at here?

Something that sounds like it's absurdly simple ends up being almost impossible. Minute changes having catastrophic effects on the ecosystems and at the end of the month with most if not all of us having failed to go the distance it was explained how those of us who bought soil should have researched what nutrients they actually required, how the minerals, chemicals and other impurities in tap water quickly became visibly toxic on a small scale and having too much of any one of the basic elements of the ecosystem or failing to incorporate another part of what makes of a particular ecosystem sooner or later ends up as just a big jar of soil.

I recall reading about the U.S honey bee population dwindling dramatically after a large amount of aggressive European bees escaped from a bee keeper colony. He imported them for the purpose of pollinating crops non-native to the U.S. These aggressive bee's would invade existing colonies, kill the competition or cause the native bee's to leave their existing colony, screwing up the pollination process, and directly effecting the crop yields of farmers in the area. Another bee related observation being that some area's are becoming too polluted by increased overpowering the fragrance allowing bee's to find and collect pollen. Worldwide bee's are responsible for pollinating 80% of the fruit and vegetable crops, and last year managed colonies in the U.S declined by almost 25%, and food concerns aside what about all those other oxygen producing plants they're responsible for...that stuff that we need to breath...and live.

This is called colony collapse diocese....and it's actually been being researched for 35-40 years. It's been noted that introducing pesticides, power plants being built in the area, human population and pollution increase are largely responsible for this...

now i never really thought too much about bee's unless i was in danger of/already been stung by one, but 40 years of being aware of a problem and letting the human element of it continue because....why? Certainly effect...well pretty much everyone actually. But doing something about a problem we most likely cultivated might impact someones profit margin in the short run, or it might mean someone having to drag their ass off the couch and walk 3 blocks instead of driving there and leaving the car to idle for 20 minutes while someone is waiting in the car for you to decide on which bag of artery clogging snack food you happen to be craving most.

everyone wants to blame someone else, and the majority either don't want to do anything at all to change, or they want to change things so much that everyone will be required to recycle their urine, grow their own food and use their own home-made manure to fertilize it. I don't care if the organic ultra vegan in plastic shoes who tell you his wife Susanna is that young sapling in the backyard want to live on communes wading through their own shit to harvest their food, but I'm quite tired of the conservative majority immune to all logic and reason, all evidence presented to them that should at the very least give them pause and consider their attitude of "51% of feel like this so the other 49% can try and find someone who cares"

But for all you "Dubya" loving people bitching about democrats having their hand out, 8 years of Regan caused real estate to go from an avg of $26,000 to $125,000 launched the war on drugs campaign that WASTES billions and billions a year to this day as unemployment rates continued to rise, but yuppies were getting rich so we get Bush Classic and a war, though to be fair i still remember laughing at how stupid Dan Quayle was....when i was 6. first it's just kind of sad....but then it's really funny....until it gets sad again when you realize people voted for that duo into office. Then we have 8 years of Clinton, 35 year low in unemployment, public deficit decreased every year coming close to balancing out, school programs resulting in a steady decline of teen pregnancy, drug use and improvement in high school graduates, people pursuing higher education and receiving a degree as well. The governments deficit went from 3.9 to 4.75 trillion during clintons 8 years...and then we get Bush jr, who more then doubles it, all of our jobs get out sourced, health care gets worse and worse, unemployment rate continues to skyrocket, banks have been foreclosing on people homes for YEARS in vain attempts to keep their doors open...and failing, but at least with all time record high yearly government spending increases surpassing the 400, 500 and 600 billion dollar marks for a single year (over 500 billion for 5 of 8 years in office) we still got some tax rebates.

Real estate value has dropped something like 30-40% in the past several years, banks can't afford to approve loans for anyone to buy anything and jobs continue to get sent over sea's...due to the drunken coke headed moron offspring of bush classic that republicans voted into office for a second term, resulting in George W. Bush being the most hated president in history. Yes more than Nixon. We're screwed, and while all politicians are double talking figure heads to some extent, Republican president in office as the boys on capital hill ran this country into the ground, and no matter who was elected to follow Dubya's quest for daddies approval by finishing what he could not 10 years before, they would be just as screwed as Obama is. Unfortunatly that's a side effect of the government blowing through money like motley crue on a coke binge, while all the jobs and people that would enable the economy to bounce back slowly trickle away....reinvesting has to be done. It will get worse before it gets better, and we're probably 20-30 years behind where we were in 2001 now, that is if china doesn't buy out all of our debts. But everyone should feel free to ask the new commie owners of the US what jesus would do in their position.

I have no hope that any of this will resonate with anyone, but it makes me feel better to try once in awhile. Humanity has pretty much given into self destruction and at the very least it will be interesting to see how it finally happens.

A tsunami that caused a wave so big it traveled 1/3 the way around the world to kill 1000's, massive earth quakes on a steadying basis, and where i Houston, TX, where 6 years ago it was going into the 80 or 90's lows in the high 60's or 70's this time of year..within the last week lows in the 30's highs in the mid 50's.

But everything is just peachy with the environment huh? We aren't likely to kill the planet. Just the ability to live on it. But then again, not many people seem to deserve to live on it either. Hey...look at that, cause and effect again.
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