Need a Asus Repair/Disassembly Manual for A52,K52,X52 Series Notebook

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Jun 25, 2007
Looking for an Asus Repair/Disassembly Manual for A52,K52,X52 Series Notebook. Asus refused....I even offered to buy it. However, Asus states all their manuals are "intellectual property." they really believe they can repair every notebook they mfg. and sell? :lol:
Anyone have one of these or know where I can get one please post.
Hi all and thanks for viewing my post. I was able to locate a disassembly instruction set for an Asus K Series laptop after much searching. While the K50 Seris is not quite the same as a Series A52, K52, X52 (different battery) it may just work out for upgrade purposes.

Just wanted to post and say I received from ASUS eMail Tech support North America a Disassembly Manual for The K52 Series Notebook which also covers A52, A52F, K52, K52F, X52, X52F models. I am now pleased with ASUS Tech Support. I honestly never had a problem with getting my ASUS desktop motherboard RMAs resolved and their refusal on the manual really had me going. Anyway, all's well that ends well. :bounce:
quotemsg=268514,3,884076hi Jakeman, im also searching for the manual. can you send me the manual to thanks beforehand... :)[/quotemsg]

Hi millen, problem. I put the Manual on a hosting site here just wait for the '40 second count down' and hit 'Regular Download'. It is a .pdf file and opens with Adobe Reader. Have fun Jakeman97
You're absolutely great Jakeman!! I was going to add RAM to my new K52F but cannot get the back cover opened, I thought it might be connected to something on the keyboard and afraid to apply force, the manual shows how to open it.

Thanks from Turkey :)
please, can reupload manual again?
megaupload is dead now....

Hello solders,
I still have a copy of that one. Cannot find a decent free no SPAM hosting site to upload to. So, if you will create a 'second' email address for yourself (one you won't use again) and place it here on the forum I will attach the file and send it to you. It is a .pdf file.

Thanks Jakeman97, please forward pdf to, Thank you!!
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