Need an audio wiring solution for my gaming desk


Feb 14, 2015
I just recently ordered an XBox One and learned that it has only HDMI and digital audio output as possible, which makes my predicament fairly annoying. You see, I currently have a set of logitech speakers for my PC with a subwoofer, however they only have a 3.5mm plug. On top of this I have my headset which uses the same plug in my PC, depending if I'm listening to music or gaming or whatever.

Basically I'm trying to figure out how best to be able to not only connect my XBox One to those speakers via some kind of converter, but also possibly stop having to crawl under the desk to unplug the speakers and plug in the headset whenever I need to switch. Adding the Xbox would only add to the complications because I would need to then pull the 3.5mm out and pull it up onto the desk to plug it into whatever converter might work.

I was originally searching for some kind of audio distributor/receiver type deal that might have multiple inputs and outputs, but most don't output to 3.5mm and the ones that do are sickeningly expensive. I'm not an audiophile by any stretch of the imagination, but the tiny built in speakers on my computer monitor are the only thing working via the xbox's HDMI at the moment. Anyone have an idea for how to solve my conundrum?

(P.S. I can draw some kind of terrible diagram if that helps)
headsets on the Xbox one plug into the controller not the console.

or use a DAC and and

or an HDMI splitter with audio output

or HDMI audio extractor

Connections on many will be...
headsets on the Xbox one plug into the controller not the console.

or use a DAC and and

or an HDMI splitter with audio output

or HDMI audio extractor

Connections on many will be RCA because TVs don't use 3.5mm so a simple RCA to 3.5mm cable may be needed. Also of course you can only output stereo