Need headPhones help


Jun 25, 2014
So i have been looking at some different headphones and need help making a choice.
My budget is around 200$ and can spend the extra money if needed for an amp/dac combo.
These are currently what i have been looking at.
Beyerdynamic DT-990-Pro-250
Sennheiser HD 598
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x

I would really like to see what people have to say about these, and if i needed an amp/dac and what i should be looking into for those. Also i am most likely going to be putting an an Antlion mod mic on these. Thank you for your input!

They would be used mostly for music, i do game but i almost always have music playing over it, with the game sound turned off. As for what music i listen to most rock, and metal with some other stuff thrown in like dubstep.

google the search terms "tomshardware ssddx headphones headset" and you will see a list of threads i've responded to. i've gone over those headphones in great detail and you might find them informative.

what you need to answer is what kind of sound profile you like and how much you care about soundstage. also list if you want virtual surround as an option or if you would rather have crisper stereo sound instead.

since you listed dubstep my guess is that you like bass so would be better suited by either the dt770pro 80ohm or ath-m50 since they are capable of sub bass while still retaining some decent highs.

a decent soundcard will allow you to use dolby headphone for some virtual surround. or you could go the dac route instead with something like the audioengine d1 for some high quality stereo sound instead.

i'm writing a guide on this subject but sorry i havent had time lately so its not finished yet.


i've got a pair of m50s for myself.

I am really more of a metal head then anything, and i would like an open back more then closed, virtual surround is not something i want or need, i have had it before and it never really made a huge difference to me, and for an amp and dac, i would not be able to buy them right away with the headphones, it would be a later purchase, i was looking at the Schiit vali and modi.

the shiit magni+modi is a great combination. i've not heard of the vali before. the audioengine d1 is about $50 cheaper than that set though and is also highly respected. you couldnt go wrong with either.

depending on what equipment you have now and what headphones you end up with you may need the amplifier right away. some soundcard versions and onboard sound may have trouble powering some studio headphones.

if you prefer open back for soundstage and cooling and can live without as much bass impact then the dt990pro will likely work for you. definitely a good set of cans.