Need help catching perpetrators

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Dec 30, 2016
I have neighbors harassing me and vandalising my property, I'm not a rich man and I know nothing of security cameras, is there any way I can get 24 hour surveliance on the cheap? Like 100/ bucks for the year? How long does storage last? Ect thanks
I have some insight on this....

I have a 4 camera setup, with included DVR. About $250 for the setup. No monthly fee.
Always on, records to its own internal hard drive.

Beyond 15 feet, I can't even recognize my own kids.
Motion detection and alerts is useless, unless youa re actively looking at the screen and can just chase the miscreants off.
But you also get 6 hours of a spider spinning her web. Literally:

And the wiring is a hassle. But don't succumb to the "WiFi security camera" fad.

Bottom can get one.
But don't expect NCIS level camera clarity for cheap.

For instance, this is similar, and cheaper, than the one I have...
What if they vandalize your security cameras?

Then you are back to square one and are down the $100+ you spent on security cameras.

Call 911 and file a complaint.

You could also get a dog like a Rhodesian Ridgeback and signs saying beware of dog.

You will not get any quality video with a cheap CCTV security system. You'd have to spend hundreds for night vision and high def which can identify people. Your best bet is to personally catch them in the act and get photos and video (use flash if at night). This means you may have to stay up late. Have you noticed a pattern like a certain day of the week? I take it you have no idea what time they actually hit.

Another inexpensive option is to get a few motion detecting outdoor flood lights for the corners of your home that automatically turn on when tripped by someone on your property.
I have some insight on this....

I have a 4 camera setup, with included DVR. About $250 for the setup. No monthly fee.
Always on, records to its own internal hard drive.

Beyond 15 feet, I can't even recognize my own kids.
Motion detection and alerts is useless, unless youa re actively looking at the screen and can just chase the miscreants off.
But you also get 6 hours of a spider spinning her web. Literally:

And the wiring is a hassle. But don't succumb to the "WiFi security camera" fad.

Bottom can get one.
But don't expect NCIS level camera clarity for cheap.

For instance, this is similar, and cheaper, than the one I have:

Be very, very, very careful if you decide to port forward and access it from outside the house.
Many of these have abysmal security protocols. Built in backdoors, default admin passwords, etc, etc.
I agree with the above. Most of the consumer grade IP cameras just don't give the amount of detail to be of much use. I have 2 Foscam cameras that I have hooked up to my home WIFI network, not for security, but for use in my recording studio. The recording room is several rooms away from the control room and vocal booth and I use the cameras to see when the musicians have their headphones on so I can talk to them from the control room (guitarists like to take the headphones off and mess around with their amplifier settings so it is pointless to try to talk to them if they can't hear me).

Here is an example of a picture taken out of my second story window out facing the street. I doubt whether I would be able to identify any "bad guys" with this resolution. I can view the camera images on my computer, tablet or phone (only while on the home WIFI).

Edit: the camera makes green trees appear to be red. With the infrared on, everything looks black and white.

Dont expect much at $100 as the system needs a HD to record DVR 4 channel atleast. Here is a system that records on loop 6 days and may help police. With these level of security its not possibly to expect recording alone to stand up in court. Least with this the police may have an ideal who to keep an eye on.

People tho tend to use these more to let parents know what their children are doing. People posting vandals on facebook and the shame of everyone knowing tends force parents into action. Cant tell you how many times ive seen do you know this person in your area theft posts getting items returned anonymously.

Ha! Don't know the last time I have seen the word miscreants used in a post/news article. For the low information crowd in Rio Linda it means bad guys/criminals/hoodlums.
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