Need help choosing a laptop $700-$800


Nov 19, 2009
Hi guys, I need some opinion about getting a new laptop. My budget is only $700 but Im willing to pay $800 if theres a deal that makes sense. Im looking to get a 15" with preferably 1920x1080. I made this so I can compare the different options:

I am a college student and will mostly be using this laptop for Photoshop so I know that CPU and RAM are more important. However, my first question is how important is a dedicated GPU? I play games here and there but its not the primary focus. On this list you can see that Costco has really good deals on laptops that come with i7 4710HQ and lots of RAM but they all have Intel integrated graphics.

Should I sacrafice CPU and RAM and pay a little more for an Nvidia card?
Also should I be considering SSD as well? I know I can switch that out but thats another cost I will have to cover.

I have not yet looked into battery life or other minor things, but Im guessing those are not as important. Im also waiting for the blackfriday sale so the prices on the list will probably change?

Thanks guys

personally i would go with asus but in spec wise the hp is a better deal,
p.s there is a reason why something is cheaper

Ah thank you! Im really considering getting the ASUS ROG as well, until I found this deal on the HP Envy 15t Slim:
Basically almost same spec: 4712HQ with GTX 850M (4gb instead of the 2gb on the asus rog)
I added 12GB of ram to match the ASUS ROG and with $15 off coupon total comes to $859.
edit: asus has optical drive and the HDD is also 7200rpm instead of the 5400rpm on the HP
Thats $20 difference would you recommend the HP or the ASUS?

personally i would go with asus but in spec wise the hp is a better deal,
p.s there is a reason why something is cheaper