NEED HELP!! Laptop Wont Turn ON Black Screen With Backlight But no BOOT?

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Jun 30, 2011
Hi all I have an ASUS laptop that will not boot. When plugged it with the adaptor the charging light comes on and when I press the power buttton the backlight turns on but the screen remains black. I do not see the asus logo or any screen for that matter. I try to boot into bios by pressing the f2 key multiple times but the computer is unresponsive. I noticed the hard disk light powers on and works for a few seconds and then turns off but the screen remains black. Also the caps lock and num lock keys are usually turned on.

A little background on the laptop:

**My battery is old and dying it only charges to 32% and it constantly says i need to replace the battery.

**It now does not run off battery power at all if the laptop becomes unplugged it loses power and shuts down

** I have experienced this black screen before when the laptop lost power when the adapter became unplugged from the laptop outlet.

**I have solved this problem before by removing the battery and adapter holding the power button down for 30 seconds and turning it back on

**Last night there was a thunderstorm and the power went out for a second do to the lightning. I was on my laptop when the power went out and the laptop shut down immediately. I have the laptop connected to a surge protector and the green light on the surge protector says PROTECTED so I think it is highly unlikey it received a surge

I am thinking the loss of power resulted in a short circuit. IS THIS POSSIBLE??

Connecting the laptop to an external monitor did nothing.

Anything I could do to try and save this laptop?

I know its not the battery because I have turned the computer on without the battery before and it was functional. Now even when the battery is removed I receive the black screen and it will not boot.

You can try removing the battery, removing the AC adapter cable, and then press the power button a few times. This drains the current from the EC chip. Give the laptop a minute or two, then connect your battery and AC adapter again and try it.

If still no go, then try removing the hard drive and then booting the system. Sometimes shorts with the sATA port/connection cause the system to not POST either.

Good luck!
Just had the same issue with my ASUS laptop w/ power lights indicating the computer is up and running but nothing but a black screen. Held the button down for SEVERAL seconds to completely power off the computer and then turn it on again. Just worked for me after 12 hours of nothing but a black screen and me thinking it was fried. Hope this helps!
Same. Same, same,same, same, same...
Here are some notes:
-I have dropped it
-Mine is an Asus X53Z, warranty time limit exceeded
-Colors went spazzy 2 days before blackout (pink,green,blue,red)
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Please help!!!
Note: This is becoming common on the internet, with no known solution.
I also know that HP tried to defend by saying the laptop was 'obsolete'...

Hello, My asus laptop has done this to me tonight. My laptop worked perfectly fine before it wanted to do the update. It started off by wanting to do an update so i let my laptop do the update, worked perfectly fine but when i logged in again, my desktop icons wasnt showing up and my start button wouldnt work. Then it showed up two programmes like normal and then it completely froze. I restarted my laptop and still did not work. If anyone knows how to sort this solution out, i would be very grateful. Thank you so much! I am hoping it will work the next day as i realised it shouldnt be a big problem.

four weeks ago, I had an similar problem, with my Asus S56CM.
My Laptop needs up to 20 minutes to boot, after than everthing is running, as a normal System.
I checkt the Software, make some test with diffrent Programms, the result was always the same. Everething is working normal. I have installed the System completly new. The failure, was the same.
The Bios Information was allready OK, the Hardwaremanager was OK.
After all this test's I dismountet my Laptop. I dismountet the Ram, the HDD changed everthing with other one's, nothing has changed the problem is the old one. My last experience, was to remove the eSSD.
And now it was a wonder, the system boots and starts absolutey normal. A littel bit slower because the eSSD was mised.
I wish you good look and I hope you can solve your problem.
So I have had this issue many times and it is mainly down to my own causes. I use my laptop as a desktop a lot of the time and have it sideways next to my monitor. Eventually I took the Ram cover off and never put it back on.

I now carry it around uni (dont anymore) with tape over the ram cover.

The issue of no display (including boot screen) normally means no post. Which is pretty much a big red arrow towards all of your basic components. CPU,GPU,PSU,RAM,MOBO

If the computer power light is on, and the HDD light is off and the display is off the below is 90% likely your problem
The cause every time for me has been loose RAM. (I dont care if it looks loose you remove them sticks and put them back in right now because it could save you time!. Look at a video of laptop ram replacement on how to remove them if you do not know how to remove ram, In essence spread clips to remove, and pull. To reinsert push in at an angle then tilt so there is no angle.

What is happening to asus now. I have the same problem just occured this time. I just had my dinner and when i came back in my laptop theres a note already telling me insert proper boot device. Now its turn off and showing black screen only. I have removed batteries and put back then turn unfortunately it wont open and shows only black screen.
So after several attempts turning it off and on I managed to get a repair menu but I couldnt remember my password for my account as weve used a pin code fir years niw. Options included a system restore. There was an option to restart pc i chose that and back to square one again however now I've got the same start up screen but a message underneath in white stating 'repairing disk errors. This might take over an hour to complete'

Hi I have a similar but different problem with my Asus n51vf I was installing driver for realtek Ethernet controller but windows did not found it on my laptop and it doesn't show up
So I decided to open up my laptop like I had before (how did I even end up here) I might have damaged something on my laptops motherboard. Anyway afterward I went into bios and changed the setting of display powersaving to off and now my laptop boots with blackscreen (everything work you can even hear windows 7 startup sound) but nothing on screen not even bios, and I can't connect to my TV via HDMI . I've tried power off hold power button method with no sucess 🙁
Possible reasons- bios setting
Damaged GPU (anyone knows if windows boot without GPU to eliminate this possibility)
Other type of motherboard damage . sorry I posted here its my first time posting on this site

Yeah tried that before and didnt work i was told that the motherboard was being bent inside and its the case thats doing it i have spent over 100 pounds now and i want to find out how to fix it myself.

Thanks but its not working i think its the motherboard being bent inside. By the plastic case. Please tell me how to fix this i have sent my computer to the repair shop 3 times and spent over 150 pounds.
I have an ASUS F533M laptop with the same black screen problem. I noted that it failed on cold days. So I tried this. Using a hairdryer I warmed the back of the laptop for about 3-4 minutes and not too close to plastic, Viola! It worked right after that. So the issue has nothing to do with bios or windows 7 its merely a motherboard sensitive to cold.

**It now does not run off battery power at all if the laptop becomes unplugged it loses power and shuts down

** I have experienced this black screen before when the laptop lost power when the adapter became unplugged from the laptop outlet.

**I have solved this problem before by removing the battery and adapter holding the power button down for 30 seconds and turning it back on

**Last night there was a thunderstorm and the power went out for a second do to the lightning. I was on my laptop when the power went out and the laptop shut down immediately. I have the laptop connected to a surge protector and the green light on the surge protector says PROTECTED so I think it is highly unlikey it received a surge

I am thinking the loss of power resulted in a short circuit. IS THIS POSSIBLE??

Connecting the laptop to an external monitor did nothing.

Anything I could do to try and save this laptop?

I know its not the battery because I have turned the computer on without the battery before and it was functional. Now even when the battery is removed I receive the black screen and it will not boot.

PLEASE HELP!![/quotemsg]

Hi All, I have an ASUS F553M laptop with the same issue of black screen at boot-up. I noticed this happened when we had cold nights, so I tried this:
Using a hair dryer I warmed the back of the laptop for 3-4 minutes and not too close to the plastic. Viola! IT WORKED! So it is not a Bios nor Windows issue, it probably is some solder contacts on the motherboard needing expansion. Rod

I had the same problem and fixed it!!!!!

I had to take the laptop apart and change cable Q550, I ordered one on amazon. Now that the laptop is back together the problem is gone. The cable is a very weak ribbon and shorts out causing the display to go black. I read everyone's therories on temp and all the other ideas that didnt work. I have a N550JK model and the Q550 cable was bad. Hope this help everyone one else that was in the same predicament I was in.

I held F2 button and power button in for about a minute and mine came back on. I dont know if this will work for everyone but it did work for me. Good luck!!

Thank you so much...I just did this and it worked!!...i had dropped it flat from a low point and the screen went black. I wasnt sure what had happened or why that worked but thanks again
If you're still strugling to fix this try removing one of your ram bars and run it without a bar. You screen should work than just turn off your comp and place a bar back and turn it on again.
This happened to me on few laptops and worked every time.
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