Need Help splicing USB to Headphone cord

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Apr 13, 2016
I own a portable battery pack/speaker from RadioShack that is orange and looks like a twisted, rounded rectangular prism (if details like that help). It used to be charged through a cable that had a 3.5mm jack at one end and a USB plug at the other, but I lost the cord. Is it possible to splice two new cords of those types together to make another cord; or was that one completely unique, making buying a new one my only option? Any help would be appreciated. P.S. I do have a soldering iron and electrical tape on hand, but not any shrink tubing.
Yeah, it should be fairly easy to splice together a new one. Without the details of your exact device and without having examined it to carefully, I advise you take the following instructions with a grain of salt or try to verify them independently somehow.

USB wires look like :

3.5mm headphone jack wire colors vary sometimes, but the pins look like:

1)Common (or "ground") (usually connected to bare copper wire)
2)Right (usually connected to red wire)
3)Left (usually green wire)
4)Insulating ring

You should be able to hook up the grounds from USB and the 3.5mm. Hook up Left and Right auddio to the +5v and you're good to go.
Yeah, it should be fairly easy to splice together a new one. Without the details of your exact device and without having examined it to carefully, I advise you take the following instructions with a grain of salt or try to verify them independently somehow.

USB wires look like :

3.5mm headphone jack wire colors vary sometimes, but the pins look like:

1)Common (or "ground") (usually connected to bare copper wire)
2)Right (usually connected to red wire)
3)Left (usually green wire)
4)Insulating ring

You should be able to hook up the grounds from USB and the 3.5mm. Hook up Left and Right auddio to the +5v and you're good to go.
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