Need "Morgan" Duron unlocking info


Jun 26, 2002
I want to unlock my Duron 1 GHz (Morgan core). My questions:-

#1 Does anybody know how to unlock it?

#2 Can I do it using pencil only?

#3 Will Duron 1 GHz at 7.5x133 consumes same power as 1 GHz at 10x100 ? (both at equal voltage)

#4 Do I need to increase voltage to run my Duron 1 GHz (10 x 100) at 1 GHz (7.5 x 133) or at 1.066 GHz (8x133). I am currently runinning it at 1.69V instead of default 1.74V

If anybody have any link that has illustrated Morgan Duron unlocking guide, please post here.

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1) YES

2) YES

3) Think so

4) That's is not a rule. You need to try.

You just need to connect the L1 bridges with a pencil. If you have any problem just erase the lines.
(I assume you know how to install the heatsink back again)

<b>(<font color=yellow>as good as it looks</font color=yellow>)</b>
4)Experiment! Start out not changing, and increase it bit by bit if it's unstable.
5)read <A HREF="" target="_new">this</A>, it talks about TBird unlocking and AFAIK the morgan works the same way, just will look a little different to your eye.

So I just need to connect all of the L1 bridges? Same as T-bird or little different? IIRC, Morgan Duron has 5 L1 briges instead of 4.

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"So I just need to connect all of the L1 bridges? "

I'd laugh maniacaly here, but since that would get me executed in some middle-east countries, I won't.

Lemme know if you ever manage to get it unlocked. You're going to have to spend some time, and get <i><b>REALLY, REALLY</b></i> froggy with that cpu.

If you're quick about it, I'll have a few kegs of good stuff delivered to your house on the weekend...

[Jedi mind trick] You LOVE Palladium. [/mind trick]
I need some money to buy new cpu before I try to do this.

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I'm going to have to go 50/50 on this one. There a chance they hard coded the multiplier. There's also a chance they just changed the bridges around, since there's like, 11 different "groups" instead of 7.

If you do plan on playing with it, I'll tell you what I've done so far.

I've closed each L1, individually, with an actual #2 "sharp-as-hell-non-mechanical" pencil. Still refuses to post.

I've actually opened two of the L3 bridges with a very nice exacto knife. Absolutely no difference in the slightest. Posts just fine. I went back and closed them with that #2. No joy.

The L7 bridges are coded exactly what they should be. For 1.75v, core.

I've not played with any of the other bridges. I'd be curious to see what the L10 bridges (there's two of them, I think) do. As well as the L11's (god, I think there was a bunch of them, but it's been weeks since I've played with that processor).

If you can get *<i>ANYTHING</i>* to register a difference (unlocked 1 multiplier, changed the core voltage using other than L7's), post it here, and I'll give it another go.

Till then, it'll probably be christmas break before I d!ck with it.

[Jedi mind trick] You LOVE Palladium. [/mind trick]