Need somebody cheap to fix my TV in Fort Worth Texas I have the 60 and 65 inch Mitsubishi and I got all the little white dots

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Jul 21, 2016
need somebody to fix my TV I have the 2011 Mitsubishi I don't know if it's the 60 inch of a 65 inch it has all those little white dots on it I'm on a fixed income please help I'm in Fort Worth Texas somebody cheap but what a good quality of work
Just as all the previous Mitsubishi owners have stated.....Call the toll free number (1-800-332-2119) and Mitsubishi will mail an updated part to a local repair company in your area, once they have received the part, they will call you and arrange for installation...all for $200 (in NJ + Tax $14.00) and NO MORE DOTS....the TV is just as good as when you first purchased it!!

Thank you for starting this thread...Mine was repaired in 2 wks
Just as all the previous Mitsubishi owners have stated.....Call the toll free number (1-800-332-2119) and Mitsubishi will mail an updated part to a local repair company in your area, once they have received the part, they will call you and arrange for installation...all for $200 (in NJ + Tax $14.00) and NO MORE DOTS....the TV is just as good as when you first purchased it!!

Thank you for starting this thread...Mine was repaired in 2 wks
I called the 800-332-2119 twice and both time I got denied the part!!! They said that the warranty (promo) has ended and they are no longer replacing the part for free. I would have to pay for the part myself and have it installed myself. Both reps did not want to help me out at all. I am very disappointed. I would rather buy another TV then spend almost $500 for the part and labor.

I'm not sure if you have solved your issue with your TV but it sounds like a repair that I'm fixing to have to tackle myself. It's seems to be DLP Chip. I'm not sure your make n model or mine yet either. I just started researching the problem n like you on a fixed income and everyone is disabled so I've had to learn how to do everything! The part from what I have seen isn't over $100 which I know is a lot but not in retrospect of having to buy a new one! If you would like, I will video myself like I will video myself locating the part to insure that we order the correct piece n then video me putting it in. I will make sure to go step by step n email it to you n maybe you can do it n have it fixed for under $100. If you are physically unable please message me back through factn I will oook around and see my Universities or community colleges are located near you. They generally have a bulletin board physical n virtual that you can post on n hit the fraturites n sororities especially because they are supposed to be about helping those n the community at large. You can do a Google search just make sure you have your location on if those located in your area, also try the council on aging they are a wealth of knowledge n information to give you in the right direction. Good luck n if I'm successful I'll let you know! Good luck n God bless
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